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Virginia Property and Casualty HELP!!!!!!

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 12:52 pm
by SDuronF
Hey, I am currently working for an insurance company as a receptionist (you can guess my company by the letters in my username) and my boss actually asked me to get my P&C license! It's great right? However, i am enrolled in this online course, which has provided very detailed information and is straight to the punch; however I am having trouble understanding all of this information, I have been reading it but for some reason I can't remember most of it because I study at work and at night, I help my friends with their telemarketing business to make some extra cash until I go on commission. Does anyone have any tips, suggestions, on how to pass the test without taking an entire week off of work just to study? I haven't even finished the study guide or even got to the casualty part yet.
It's not like I'm in danger of losing my job, I just want to get this done before July.

Thanks everyone!

- SDuronF

Re: Virginia Property and Casualty HELP!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 10:45 am
by d's insurance store
In many captive environments, like State Farm, the company feels that it's an asset for the agent to have licensed sales support people and 'helps' by making courses available on licensing for each individual that's what I'd check out first. You really might have to attend some off site classes sponsored by the carrier, but it will get the job done.

Absent that, in my state, the reality of licensing was that learning to pass the test had very little to do with actually selling and servicing policies in the 'real' world, and so, there were classes offered in a one or two day format that were designed to be taken a couple of days ahead of the exam to basically cram answers into our heads with tricks and associations that would allow passage of the exam. There was no false expectations...the instructor flat out said he was there to teach answers and get a passing grade and learning the business after becomming licensed was someone else's responsibility. But again, that was a two day investment of time and the pass rate from my school was over 90% on the first try.

Check with your agency principal first and see what might be offered through the sponsoring company. Then because this will benefit your employer, I would think they would be supportive of your efforts both financially and employment wise...and if they're not and you're really on your own, I would consider getting licensed and then getting into a more supportive enviornment. In the insurance business, good, licensed people are really hard to find.

Re: Virginia Property and Casualty HELP!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 10:50 am
by Adame526
Is there a one day "crash course" you can take and then take the test the next day? That's what I did when I first obtained my license. That way the information you need to pass the test is fresh in your mind. Try contacting your local IIABA. Link is below. They may have some additional help for you. ... VA&ActiveT

Good Luck!

Toni Adame-Cavage
Senior Broker
MarketScout Wholesale LLC

Re: Virginia Property and Casualty HELP!!!!!!

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 12:47 pm
by jtownagent
There is no quick fix. Sign up for the test, and see if you pass. perhaps enough has sunk in...but probably not. :lol: