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Californian Question

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 1:25 am
by munda4545
Hello Everyone, Due to bitter divorce had bankruptcy in past. Does that bankruptcy ghost prevent me to get a license or to
become a successful agent ?? Please let me know, since I do not have a job & I have to invest time energy & $$$$$.
I appreciated your time & valuable advise.... :P

Re: Californian Question

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 12:04 pm
by tpadgett
Dear munda4545. Your bankruptcy will not necessarily prevent you from getting an insurance license or from being successful in the insurance industry. There are background questions that will be asked on the licensing application--possibly regarding backruptcy--and you certainly want to answer these honestly. Where as I can't say for sure, but my experience has been that the state is usually looking for bankruptcies involving a company or individual who was responsible for holding funds on behalf of others (such as collection of insurance premiums). I have been working in the capacity of insurance licensing for ALL states for several years and that seems to be the trend. Unfortunately, until you go through the process of the class and the exam and and then apply for the license, most states will not give you a definitive answer.

Hope this helps.