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Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 4:55 pm
by tdurso
Care to share what is working for you?

I run into some agents & brokers who give up on a lead after a call or two. It seems if the consumer doesn't jump and buy right away, that the agent/broker devalues the lead and gives up.

However I run into Agents & Brokers who keep getting closes on "old" lists of leads and say that any lead is good, it's just on how you work it.

So I'm looking for what is successful or not. Eventually I could compile a list of what works and put it on our site for all to read.

Thanks in advance.

Tony S. Durso

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 7:50 am
by Grant
Well with Internet leads, just like other Internet related products. People will search for the best/lowest price. That means they might put their information on 5+ sites, so that is why the won't buy right away. (In most cases).

However some people aren't that tuned with the Internet and will only put their info on one site, so then you have a better chance of closing quickly.

I recommend just keep following up

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2005 4:02 pm
by bchill

I would follow up at least six times unless you get very cold responses. I would make certain that I have a very competitive product because internet leads are heavily influenced by price. PRICE, PRICE, PRICE. You can be very successful if you develop a comfort level working by mail and working large geographical regions. If you work life I would look at

They know how to work the internet and are very successful at it.

Good Luck

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 12:29 pm
by Grant

Thanks, I will check them out

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2005 9:39 am
by Cullen
You have to set yourself apart from all the other agents that call them. for example, ask them if they know the difference between a good term and a poor term insurance. or ask them if another agent has told them how to get more from their 401k by using a term policy.

Of course this only works if YOU know the answers to those questions.

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 2:42 am
by bdi521
I've found the best way to close leads is by establishing a value relationship before the need for a quote. So, if you lose out on writing the account, establish the relationship anyway by providing expertise, tips and information they may not be getting from their current provider. The web and email are a good low cost delivery. You can set yourself apart, without a lot of expense or time, with a lot of prospects. At any given time perhaps 10% to 30% of a pool of prospects will be motivated to buy. If you have set yourself apart over a period of time before the need to buy your close rates will be much better and the prospect will be less price sensitive. It is a numbers game but price isn't the only number. There is a model like this for p and c Good luck.