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Dave Ramsey

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 11:55 am
by gold.slate2012
So guys, what do you think about Dave Ramsey? Is he full of crap? Or is he legit?

Re: Dave Ramsey

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2012 7:33 am
by Big Dog
Are you referring to any of his specific comments on insurance, or????

FWIW, he's highly regarded with respects to his counsel on personal financial matters.

Re: Dave Ramsey

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2012 11:28 am
by yoyowordup
I listen to Dave Ramsey a lot and really like his overall plan. Buying things on credit is just stupid and is a MAJOR reason why this country is in poor economic health at this time.

We have taught our kids to be greedy and materialistic and that they have the right to goods and services that they can't afford.

With respect to his views on life insurance you can find many different arguments out there. I personally like to sell Term life only (which is what Dave Ramsey professes), but many life agents have valid arguments for "permanent" life coverage.

Re: Dave Ramsey

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 8:29 am
by BestCarCoverage
Yes, I listen to him and thinks he does a good job reviewing the important elements of managing your finances

Re: Dave Ramsey

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 6:19 pm
by m2insurance
Dave Ramsey is great. I listen to him all the time. Very sound financial advice.

The only thing that bugs me about him, and yes I do sell life insurance, is that he sometimes speaks as though getting a Term Life Insurance policy is a walk in the park. This may be the case for a small percentage of people, but if you have health issues it can be a challenge. It is like finger nails on a chalk board when he says things like " Go get your self a cheap Term Life policy, maybe $15 or $20 a month. Its super cheap" etc, etc. A good agent knows that there is much that has to be done in order to get an accurate quote!

Almost everyday I get the following scenario: People call me , I work up a Term Life quote and they are stunned that it is not the $15 or $20 a month policy that they keep seeing or hearing about on the TV or the Radio. "Tom, I want the $15 a month policy I hear about , do you sell that?"

The bottom line is, no two cases are the same and making a broad general statement about obtaining life insurance could be handled in a better way.

M2 Insurance.