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Monoline DPD- IA, MN, IL, WI??

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 7:31 am
by jmartinez
Hi, I'm looking for a dealers physical damage market for the Midwest states that is not DealerGuard or Diversified. Specifically, someone who will cover smaller used auto dealers, including wind/hail. We had these written with the primary carrier covering all but hail, and the hail through the Hail Exchange. The primary carrier is not interested in hail, so I need someone who can do the entire phys damage. Anyone know of a program? thank you!

Re: Monoline DPD- IA, MN, IL, WI??

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 8:43 am
by Adame526
I have an admitted program, and can write in those states with the exception of MN. I would have to write the WHOLE account. Not just DPD. I can complete with the existing players this this space. My contact information is shown below. Feel free to contact me at your convenience to discuss.

Toni Adame-Cavage
MarketScout Wholesale LLC
Phone: 4806002043