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Workers Comp for Importers - CA

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 1:31 pm
by InsureTime
I am looking for a wholesaler which has access to Employers, First Comp, and other WC markets. Can anyone recommend one?


Sarkis Kaladzhyan
818 906-7900 x119

Re: Workers Comp for Importers - CA

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 11:50 am
by Shagster1261
There are two I would recommend; Arrowhead General out of San Diego and International Facilities out of L.A.

Re: Workers Comp for Importers - CA

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 12:02 pm
by yoyowordup
Are you an importer only or an importer/exporter? Is this Art Vandalay?