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Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2005 2:22 pm
by cvoorhees
United American emailed me, got my resume on MOnster. I went to the interview, and there were 7 other people there also, it was a group type of interview. I just got a funny feeling from that, almost like a MLM type of structure. Where the branch mgr makes money on agents he can sign up....
They help you get your license, and give you training, without any pay.
Has anyone worked for them, made money with them, good /bad experiences with them. Is thier policy, health supplemental easy to sell, it's kind of pricey, I've been told.....
Pls advise.....

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2005 1:22 pm
by sanddog
Gee, I have not been on this discussion board in sometime. B)
Ok, United American another fly by night carrier. These companies follow a similar format as farmers ins. (I.E. Allstate and State farm) have changed for the better. The Dm's from farmers like United American, find possible agents to send out to a quick learn school. Then they get their license, this way they can start selling insurance mostly life ins, BEFORE understanding the product. They know your going to sell to your Dad and Mom, sister and brother and all in laws and friends. You loose the renewal if any, if you fail and guess what the DM's get 1 to 2% commission for your sale. Their one up on you. Selling Health supplement only is a complete waste of time. You would be better off getting a life & health appointment with Blue Cross, or another large health carrier. Go sell hybrid cars thats where the money is yey. :P

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2005 1:46 pm
by cvoorhees
Good advise, I've talked with State FArm, and they told me they would send my app to a agency in my area, which in fact there is an agency. But like one agent told me, you would rather get paid by the insurance co, than the insurace branch office/agency. Reduce the middle man if you can.....

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2005 3:53 pm
by sanddog
If I remember correctly state farm requires you to learn their appetite and business model. You would start off as a CSR, and producer. And if something comes up, you may get your own agency, this could be 3 or 5 years will there you have it. I believe they start you out with a couple thousand policies, from a (Retired agent). Please remember you do not OWN your book of business, they do you're the manager of that business. Your really not a business owner nor are you 1099 by the company. If wrong i'm sure and agent will respond. :rolleyes:

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2005 1:36 pm
by NorthridgeIns
Within the L&H industry, UA is referred to a commission driven product. This means that it is frequently sold because the commission is higher than the norm and that keeps their captive agents from moving on. (in theory).

If you really want to sell health insurance and medicare supplements, get your license and I am sure several of us can refer you to carriers that have better quality products and that are willing to appoint your as long as your are enthusiatic.

(I am primarily Commerical P&C, but I have appointments with about 18 L&H carriers, just for to meet the needs of the my business customers.)

Cant argue against success

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 12:24 pm
by Wash Broker
I went to one of their meetings a while back as well and just didint like their format. They have a clever way of marketing to get in the door with a $1000 of paid life insurance for their members and then its your job to up sell them. If you dont mind selling their low quality product ART and you need leads that bad there are guys there making some dollars. But as far as commissions if I remember right they only ranged in the 40 some % range. Whereas with your own contracts you can get up to 100% with a lot better policies, and just buy leads. You'll be happier and sleep better at night.