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Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2001 3:15 pm
by Scorpius Risk Management
I seek help from someone with knowledge of Workers Compensation in Ohio ( A mono State). My Nevada corporation has hired a salesperson domiciled in Ohio. The duties of the Ohio resident will be outside sales work within and out side of the State of Ohio. Ohio Administrative Code Section #4123-17-23 seems to hold that; a person hired by a non-Ohio corporation, whose duties are transitory services interstate, shall not be included in Ohio Payroll reports. The Ohio code goes on to say, if the employer and employee agree by excuting form C-122; then the Ohio employee may be covered under the main corporate policy for the State of the Corporation. So, it seems, we "ought" to be able to add this Ohio person to the WC policy of the Nevada Corp. Well; seems the Nevada insurer (Travelers)does not know how to do this. I quote from the Travelers underwriter "I am unable to add Ohio to this policy. My system will not allow this to be entered". End Quote. Please help. How do I secure WC protection for this one sales person in Ohio?<P>Wayne<BR>

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2001 10:44 pm
by Beverly
Have you tried each state's Dept. of Ins.??<BR>Sorry, but that is all I can think of.