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Foreign work comp for home health

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 9:16 am
by paul.byrne
Hi Guys, need help here does anyone know of any carriers that will offer a foreign work comp policy for a non skilled home health acre that has their employees go on vacation with the clients to continue personal care.

They have a policy in place for the state they are in California, but need a foreign work comp policy just form the traveling.


Re: Foreign work comp for home health

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 11:36 am
by ocbroker
AIG through Worldsource division is probably your best bet. They have a very good foreign travel policy that I believe includes WC. You will need to check with your domestic comp carrier as well, however. If it is with SCIF, you should be ok, but if it is placed through a preferred market, they may have issues with the foreign travel.