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confused, newly licensed P&C broker in NY

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 6:15 pm
by Alal
I recently obtained my P&C broker license. It is hard to get a job in the Insurance Business. Can anyone help me. I am located in Brooklyn, NY.

Which company is best to work for?
How should I approach these companies?
I have experience in Banking and Life Insurance, but not P&C, what should I do?

Career advice

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 11:14 am
by d's insurance store
Alal, with all due respect, I'm confused about someone who apparently on a whim, goes out, gets an insurance broker's license, and then posts here in a lost sort of way asking for career advice.

Some of us ended up in this industry by accident, others by design, but in all honesty, usually the entry point was as an employee who then got a taste of what the business was about.

When you post asking for specific company's to learn the P&C business with, it indicates that you really haven't done much research into what can be a truly rewarding career for those who enjoy the biz, but also a career nightmare for people who just can't adapt to the quirkiness of the insurance business.

P&C also has a number of career avenues, ranging from underwriter to producer to salaried sales to service to management to risk management, etc, etc, etc.

To ask for simplified career advice here on this forum is selling that advice short. You cannot expect any quality career counsuling here. Is this a quick career change from 'banking and life insurance'? Did you just have a fight with your boss and quit in a huff? Did you wake up one day and thought to yourself, hey I'd like to be an insurance broker?

You really need to put a whole heck of a lot more time and thought into a career path than just casually posting here, IF you're serious about spending some vocational time in the insurance business. Otherwise, no one will really take you seriously.

Just my opinion.

You are 100% right

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 11:49 am
by Alal
Wow, you hit right to the point. Its true what you said, I did like the industry and wanted to be in it. Well, I am currently working as a Real Estate agent, so I do have some knowledge of prospecting for insurance clients.

Recently, I was almost close to opening an office, however I was unable to due to financial backing.

I guess in 2 months from now, I will have to open my office and proove you otherwise about my experience. You will see. If we both live.


RE: Pays Good

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 11:58 am
by Brandy
LOL, I'm sorry but I just have to laugh.

Then on a another note

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 12:08 pm
by Alal
Well, since some one decided to laugh at the post let me get in more detaisl.

No, I did not accidently land in the insurance business, my insurance experience started when I worked for Citibank. I obtained my life and health insurance license at the bank, however the incentives were so low that my interest in the business were not very high.

Recently, working at the bank, I realize the Property and Casualty market and how big it is in the Institutional level. I have friends who are making $30,000 dollars on commission from a financial advisor for his E&O. That thought kind a struck me. I have couple of friends who deal with hedge funds and financial advisors and their insurance needs. I talk to them all the time, but its just unfortunate for me because they don't have any openings in their company.

So to answer the journal fan question, don't assume things, and I know you heard that before right?

I didn't want to get into details earlier cause I was not in the mood to write. End.

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 12:40 pm
I agree with Brandy. If you're looking for a fast buck you picked the wrong business. Large commission E&O accounts take a lot of experience to sell and retain and in this business retention is the key unlike life ins. If you just want to be a hotshot salesperson with no knowledge of the industry go to a big brokerage house - Brown & Brown or Willis. You won't learn the business but you'll have markets to go after those large accounts - not to mention the agency has enough E&O to cover the mistakes you'll make.

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 1:04 am
by humblestudent
However critically we may examine someone's decision to join (and find it a lil difficult), i guess we still need to be a little and considerate.

Alal, pls contact me offline and lets see what we can do.
