National Agents Alliance? Legit or Keep Away?

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Re: National Agents Alliance? Legit or Keep Away?

Post by Memphis25 »

Thanks @ pontiac!!
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Re: National Agents Alliance? Legit or Keep Away?

Post by observer »

I don't have any personal experience with NAA to add...but here's a lesson I've learned about looking for advice on the internet, which applies here perfectly.

When you ask a question, you're going to get answers from two kinds of people: smart people, and stupid people. But how do you know who is who and which advice to take?

When presented with a conflict, smart people ask questions and rationally discuss things. They conduct themselves with a level of maturity and professionalism. They sort through facts in an attempt to determine reality. They have nothing to hide.

Stupid people cannot handle that, so they namecall. And threaten. And deride their opponents as "losers". And make claims based on faith, not presentable statistics.

Take a look at all the posts in this thread. Note which side is saying things like "Shut up and please don't stand near me" and "You're the type of person who will always be BROKE" and "those that don't want to work hard who are complaining " and "These people don't have a freakin clue" and "it requires a very special attitude" and "loser".

Then determine: whatever THAT KIND of person thinks is the RIGHT WAY to do that what you want to align yourself with?
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Re: National Agents Alliance? Legit or Keep Away?

Post by pontiac »

hey "dontdoit"...

who was your manager?
also, if it is such a bad business, why were you involved for 2.5 years?
also, if the expenses are $1,000/wk on average, and you're writing $10,000 worth of business, what percent of profit is that?
also, what better business is out there with the options of this kind of cash-flow and early retirement?

(if you can't give straight answers to simple questions like this, then obviously you aren't telling the truth, or you are exaggerating.)

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Re: National Agents Alliance? Legit or Keep Away?

Post by pontiac »

Good News!

Just so everyone knows, I've been doing this for about 3-4 months now, and I just decided to quit my day job :) It has been a HUGE goal of mine for a long time. My first day "free" from my day job felt incredible. It's crazy. I'm finally coming back down to earth now.

I am SO GLAD that I started with National Agents Alliance. You have to work (obviously), but the results are real. The income is real. And being able to quit your job, confidently, with money in the bank is real! :D

It's very exciting. I feel so good! :) 1 goal down; more to come :)

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Re: National Agents Alliance? Legit or Keep Away?

Post by slushpuppyking »

Well everyone I really haven't had time to dedicate to NAA quite yet. But based on what I am reading here I just don't know if it's what I am looking for. Based on this forum and others I have read it seems to me that even if you find success with NAA and do well in sales monthly you will be spending quite a bit of money on leads and getting hit financially for those clients that choose to cancel.

I just don't know if I even agree with that business model. Paying for leads? I guess it's common for the industry but I've never had a job like that so it's an odd concept. Wouldn't it make sense for a company to train their associates really well and feel confident giving them leads knowing it will generate sales? It almost seems to me like the business model is setup that way on purpose because the quality of leads must be pretty poor. So companies have seen the only way to compensate for the amount of money they are spending to buy this *junk* can be recouped via the hungry sales rep.

I could be way off because I've never worked in the industry, but it seems that way to me.

Then getting chargebacks for cancellations? That I really dissagree with. If a parent company isn't competitive enough and finds that clients are cancelling after 3 or 4 months or whatever than that is on the company, not the sales rep. Just my opinion. The entire thing seems to me like it's all win for the big company and only potentially financially straining on the sales rep. Who would want to work in that enviroment? The sales rep pays for the leads AND get's charged if a client cancels.

Am I just completely off base because I have no experience in the industry or is the business model as crappy as I am describing?
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Re: National Agents Alliance? Legit or Keep Away?

Post by pontiac »

Slushpuppyking - "I could be way off because I've never worked in the industry..."
I would have to agree. (no offense) The industry provides greater income than most industries, so there are a few expenses that should NEVER BE ABOVE 25% of your UP FRONT COMMISSIONS.

Also, what insurance carrier does NOT do chargebacks for cancelations? I'd love to know! :)

Here's my results....
I'm making more money than I ever have my whole life.
I'm working less hours than I ever have my whole life.
I'm way less stressed than I ever have been my whole life.
I'm having more fun than I ever have my whole life.

Only like 5% of policies ever cancel, so don't worry about that.
Leads costs are only a fraction of your upfront commissions, so don't worry about that. Any more questions?

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Re: National Agents Alliance? Legit or Keep Away?

Post by slushpuppyking »


I like your positive attitude towards the company and the opportunity. Perhaps we could exchange emails and I could get some more insight from you and approach this opportunity the right way and avoid common rookie mistakes. I currently work in the mortgage industry and even though the money is good I am SOO sick of the 9-5 (or later!) stuck behind a desk all day. Plus with today's guidelines it's getting so much harder to get people qualified for new loans or refinances. It's also so stressfull wanting to help people out but not being able to.

If you are willing to give me some tips I'd appreciate any advice/info:
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Re: National Agents Alliance? Legit or Keep Away?

Post by observer »


I like your positive attitude, specifically the way you shoo me away from looking at those silly and negative "statistics" and "logic" when I should instead be focusing on your claimed personal results. After all, as a veteran of four months, you undoubtedly have seen the long-term sustainability issues the other "losers" have been through and beaten it via your positive attitude and sheer winner-ness. Perhaps we could exchange emails and I could get some more insight from you and approach this opportunity the right way and avoid common rookie mistakes such as ignoring the foolish advice of others who have been there and DON'T stand to profit off my efforts. I currently work in another industry and even though the money is good I am SOO sick of the 9-5 (or later!) stuck behind a desk all day. Everyone knows the best opportunities for honest workers involve multi-level sales kickback arrangements that you find on the internet. I'm just glad to have come across this opportunity to make a ton of money without putting in normal office hours. It's almost as if it's too good to be true but I don't like saying that because, obviously, RESULT RESULTS RESULTS!!!!

If you are willing to give me more mindless sales-pitch dogma I'd appreciate any advice/info:
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Re: National Agents Alliance? Legit or Keep Away?

Post by AFVetGrrl84 »

sacman wrote:Danlman-

A true professional WILL inform the customer and pass on business when he/she cannot help instead of force feeding a sale.
I have explained to many people over the years the coverages of their policies and informed them that at this time I cannot help them and that my recommendation is to stay with their current carrier. I sell mainly personal lines P & C, so after their driving record clears or whatever the issue is clears, they can then look around again. I have an appointment on Thursday with a gentleman that I did this for three years ago. He remembered my advice and sought me out again, and this time I can help him.

Unfortunately, in this industry an unscrupulous person can make a nice amount of income in a short period of time.
IF you can put your head on pillow at night. However, these people almost always wash out after a short period of time.
The only true way to ensure your longevity is to be honest, fair, and upfront with EVERY one of your prospects. Insurance is not only a relationship based occupation, it is a trust based occupation. If you do not respect your prospect enough to give them honest advice they will not be long term, loyal clients.

If the corporate culture is to sell regardless of need,or if their 'superstar' salesman is one that has questionable ethics that had no qualms about boasting abouting questionable sales tactics, RUN away.

My integrity and reputation has no price. I will not compromise either for ANY sale, regardless of the size or my potential commission.

:) I appreciate your post sincerely! I was just contacted today by a representative from the Long Group that recruits for NAA and I immediately went into research mode, because I've never heard of either. The gentleman that called me said he looked at my resume on and offered me a position in sales and/or management if I was interested. I clicked onto this link and have been reading all of the posts in this thread and have decided to turn the "job" down, because I too refuse to sell my soul and manipulate people for a buck. One can be honest and make a good living.
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Re: National Agents Alliance? Legit or Keep Away?

Post by BriceNaylor »

I've been licensed in Life, Health and Variable in Ohio for 8 months now, all with the same Fortune 500 company, and I've made money in the business.

I'm getting ready to leave that company for NAA this weekend. I don't smell scam at all.

Hope all goes well for you!
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Re: National Agents Alliance? Legit or Keep Away?

Post by slushpuppyking »

You work for a fortune 500 company and you are making money? Why go to NAA when it is a bit questionable based on comments from various users?
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Re: National Agents Alliance? Legit or Keep Away?

Post by pontiac »


What company do you recommend? (or is NAA, ultimately the best opportunity?)

By the way, if anyone cares to hear, I cash flowed over $3,500 up front commissions last month with NAA. So the money is real.

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Re: National Agents Alliance? Legit or Keep Away?

Post by secretagentman »

Hey there - I spent the day yesterday driving around and knocking on doors with my manager who spent a fortune on leads from NAA. I am a newly licensed agent, who was recruited by Bankers Conseco last Fall. I had a bad experience with Bankers, but am glad that I got my license, even if they made a couple of hundred bucks on me in the process...I don't know what MLM stands for exactly...something to do with Mulit-Levels - Management ???

Anyway I saw your post and am of the same mindset...there must be a better way to get manager was the first to agree with me!!! I would appreciate anything that you might have to offer, and hope to hear back from you...
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Re: National Agents Alliance? Legit or Keep Away?

Post by slushpuppyking »

LOL, I've learned so much about NAA since my 1st post here! I regret ever saying a good thing about them!
Last edited by slushpuppyking on Sat Sep 03, 2011 12:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: National Agents Alliance? Legit or Keep Away?

Post by larryking22 »

Over the past two years National Agents Alliance has made a conservative effort to improve its operations and levels of customer satisfaction. We’ve launched site like to assist in the education efforts of new agents and sites like to draw quick attention to concerns and issues that may arise. We completely understand that our journey to build brand trust and equity is just beginning! As a company we just want everyone to be aware that whether good or bad, we are listening, learning and looking to build better processes in the future. We acknowledge our faults and will spend as much time as deemed necessary to improve upon them.

Larry King (Direct reporter to Andy Albright)
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