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Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 12:28 pm
by Rob
CATHIEA wrote:Rob, you are such a nice guy! We get these type of clients all day long - they want to play with the big boys but pay with the little guys. Give them the quote that fits their exposure - if they take it great - if not move on. Every minute you spend on this is spent income. Sorry if that sounds harsh - but remember the housing market is slowing and anyone getting in now has to pay the price.
Well thanks CATHIEA. I do cater to the smaller businesses because they are typically under served and in the end, whichever way the chips fall that is how I deliver the quote. I haven't spent much time on it really, just a few emails sent out here and there. Once I narrow it down, I'll probably send him an email with a questionnaire and say you're looking at a minimum of X, maybe more and put the ball in his court.