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Re: Nexsure vs AMS 360

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 10:52 am
by sanddog1
jctwindad Yes i type a little tooooo fast, and have poor spelling and i am direct I don't beat around the bush. All this really doesn't concern me unless its important so...Geeee i'm sorry. (Jctwindad, you said: How dare you disagree.) [*] Look it......i get a little bored sometimes and when i see whats up and the topic seems to be a little jaded towards one point of view, i jump in. I am a broker 20 years now wow time flies. I have direct appointments with all top carriers this is not an easy feat. I have given many great carriers and offered many programs to the newbies over the years, whom could never get and appointment. There are only three ways to get started in this business. That's another topic which we have all chime in. I have pointed out company employee's using this forum for their own sales avenue. I am however big enough to admit when i'm wrong. CSRQreen I apologize. :roll: You had a similar MO and foot print as i have seen in the past

Re: Nexsure vs AMS 360

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 12:07 pm
by jpmorgan5150
We are moving from DORIS to Nexsure and will go live January 1. We are doing a lot of out of the ordinary things with our system and account summaries (using OCR to scan coverage data and input it into the system so it can be called into an account summary), and Nexsure was by far the only system that would work with what we wanted.

We required web based systems; that said, AMS 360 would be a close second in our decision making process. I'm a young guy that was looking for some specific technologies, and Nexsure was where I found them.

The insurance industry is about 2 software generations behind the rest of the world. For example, the posting system I'm using right now really blows - you can't even see all the other posts without clicking through them.

Update it - get your software into 2008.

Re: Nexsure vs AMS 360

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 1:27 pm
by Bob
jpmorgan5150. I wish you the best, however based on our experience and the experiences of many others may I suggest you be very carefull. Admitly Nexsure has some leading edge tech. which is what influenced our decision to go with them. Leading edge tech. is great but let's face reality - the program has to work. From our experience the nuts and bolts of Nexsure does not work and it appears that Nexsure has no clue what to do to make it work. I read of some of the same problems that we encountered 2 years ago and they still have not been fixed. Don't be englamored with high tech. That is a plus. What an Agency Management program is supposed to do is make the life of an Agent and CSR easier and simplier. The posts clearly demonstrates that Nexsure does not do that, in fact it makes life more difficult.

Also you might want to review carefully the Nexsure Contract and have your Attorney review it. The one given to us basically said that no matter how much harm the Nexsure program does to you or your Agency, Nexsure was not responsibile except to refund your money. The Management of Nexsure admitted to us that Nexsure really was not suited for our Agency because almost all our business is in Transportation. Even though they sold us the wrong product, they had no responsibility for the harm done to us.

In late June, 2006 they did an Update. End result was you could not print anything out of Nexsure. So they had to "fix" their update. Clearly someone did no9t check their work.

Re: Nexsure vs AMS 360

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 8:58 am
by mica.cooper

I think that you may be experiencing a bug. Nexsure should be able to help you resolve this. A simple DOS 'tracert' command should tell you if the slowness is your network and its connection or at Nexsure. If you can't get Nexsure to help you, I can over the phone, it only takes a couple of minutes.

I suspect, that if Sandog is fast and you are slow, there may be a data glitch within Nexsure. I have seen simple bugs such as entering a 'null' field instead of an empty, such as not filling out an email address, can cause a system to spin for several minutes as it churns to figure out what to do.

I know Nexsure is trying but it can be a real challenge to handle large volumes of data over the internet. The more you do, the more bugs there are. One thing I know for SURE WITHOUT A DOUBT, I would trust Nexsure to try over AMS every time. As a former AMS employee, and everyone where I work is a former AMS employee, we were told to do things and say things that we felt very uncomfortable with. I can't even begin to describe the atmosphere. We hated to talk to clients because there was just not any good news. We felt that Delay delay delay while milking the cash cow was the only real business strategy there.

One thing I know for sure also, if Nexsure does become a viable opponent in the marketplace, we can count on Applied or AMS to purchase it or try as they have done with the other systems.


Re: Nexsure vs AMS 360

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 9:25 am
by ckelsoe
I would recommend anyone interested in the Nexsure debate to look at the following thread:


I just finished a 1 year term on the AMS 360 R&D Committee. I can assure you that they are using the latest technologies and development practices.

I would recommend that you visit agencies that have whatever management systems you are considering and actually watch the users to their work. You should select an agency that is of similar size and that sells the type of insurance that you do. It will be well worth the investment in travel to do this.

I have helped several agencies through the data conversion process from Nexsure to AMS 360. All of them love AMS 360 compared to their experience with Nexsure.

Re: Nexsure vs AMS 360

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 2:07 pm
by gadgitgirl
I would like to echo what Charles has said. I have a number of Nexsure clients. Most of them are medium to large agencies with multiple locations. Each of them use the system both in similar ways and also in different ways. One of them has left no stone unturned and uses every possible part of the system. While each of them have had their issues, and yes the system isn't perfect, none of them would go back to their old system nor are considering changing systems. It is so very important for an agency to make a full assessment of the systems that they are considering, spend time, not just a visit with a user similar to them and really do their homework. I have been through some very good conversions in other systems and in Nexsure and I have been through some less than desirable conversions in other systems and Nexsure as well. There are so many factors that affect a conversion that I don't even believe you can compare the conversion of one agency or system to another. My montra is - a conversion is only as good as the attention the users pay to it. The agency team that is charge of changing systems has to be fully engaged in the process and check and double check every detail. I have found that if you communicate with the Nexsure team, the will do everything in their power to solve the issue. I can also say for every agency that has told me their horrible Nexsure nightmare I have heard similar stories from AMS360, Sagitta & TAM users. Each system has their appropriate user base. No system is perfect as they are working with emerging technologies and yes sometimes when they do an update something breaks. I have not worked with any system that did not have to "fix" something from time-to-time after an update. Each of my Sagitta, TAM, AfW and ebix clients in the past have had complaints about what their system did or did not do.

Just my 2 cents.

Pat Alexander

Re: Nexsure vs AMS 360

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 10:29 am
by ackinsure
We have Nexsure; have had it going on 3 years now. I can tell you the time and money spent in the past three years has been a complete waste! We have three agencies and not one is happy with the system. We have called in with a problem on a Monday and won’t get a response until Friday. Their customer service is terrible. I have emails that I have sent in that have sat for days with no reply. If and when I get a reply, it will ask me to have "our contact" person call them? We have over 30 employees and we have to assign a contact person?? I am now looking into other systems for our office BUT I am not looking forward to the "conversion" OUT of Nexsure. I have received emails from other agencies that say Nexsure "kept or refused to release" all of their records.... We just want a system that works, and when it doesn’t we want to know it will be fixed ASAP, Is that really too much to ask? I will keep you posted on our progress, and what system we end up with.

Thanks Again for the replies & emails.....