Postcard mailers

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Re: Postcard mailers

Post by adbox »

From what I have read, all in all, insurance agents are having a hard time making and securing leads through postcard mailings, so if this is the common consensus , then postcard mailings MAY NOT be the best for an upcoming agent trying to grow his/her business. But I say, and this has been mentioned already, Postcard Mailings are perfect for customer retention--thank yous', new pricing, new services, inner-customer-based-target-marketing).

For example, Christmas season is coming up, so season greeting postcards are appropriate; not to be used as a sales platform though, even though it will become in inadvertently.

And what about target demographic marketing? I am sure that you can secure a mailing list that targets regions, and within that list you can focus in on the average age of the resident you would like to target. Consumer lists, I am sure this can be done. Taking off on this idea: Recently, I have completed the first round of college and I have had to secure these types of insurances; health, auto, and dental. Luckily my employer provided me with the health(at least a percentage) and also my dental. But looking over the dental I am pretty sure that I could get that cheaper elsewhere. Auto, I happened to be able to secure insurance from USAA, because my grandfather served, and their prices are solid. But dental is something I wanted to see more prices on.

Considering more, many of my friends entering into the job market have not found the same fortune. Their employers do not offer insurance backages, they are hourly waged. But still they do not have options being presented in front of them, and most of them will have to settle or use the internet when it comes to securing insurance. But hey bud, our generation enjoys options and we enjoy not having to search them out. So this is where one may benefit from a direct mail portcard highlighting services, redirecting me to a web address.

So question , what kind of target marketing have you guys to tried that isn't working when it comes to generating new leads?

I think Variable Data Printing is brilliant. And compared with the potential power of niche marketing through mailing lists it becomes a sharp/intelligent marketing tool. Between these two tools you can create a solid marketing campaign, highlighting this service to these people, and that service to those people, all based on certain demographics on your variable filled list. All on one print job, all on one mail out job. Or breaking a batch of 10,000 postcards into two mail outs, 5,000 this month- track it, track- 5,000 the next month, track it. refine repeat. Direct mail campaigns can be super smart if you imagine it out properly.

and lastly, as someone has already mentioned, not everyone throws away postcards they get in the mail. And not everyone gets angry to see a flyer on their car(I was in conversation with a guy earlier about advertising his pressure washing business and this came up... although a insurance ad would be strange to find on my car.. probably not the best strat. :D ). To each their own interest. (for instance I immediately dispose of val packs, don't care much for the small-medium postcards(4x6&5.5x8.5) postcards, but like 5.5x11 postcards- just because of their wide-sceen aesthetic)

In these times direct mail printing is still affordable, example:
1,000 printed, full color, front back 65-85.00; 5,000 same description, 150-170.00 ; 10,000, 240-280 dollar.
It's the postage costs that make the direct mailing campaign risky right? That's why the mailing list/target audience and message become so important!

But you know, if you mail through a direct mailer, they presort and bar-code the mail which gets discounts on postage, which you will have to pay anyway, but its cheaper. The cost savings will pay for the mailing service.

Any thoughts or responses?
Insurance Journal Fan
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Joined: Sat Jan 17, 2009 12:44 am

Re: Postcard mailers

Post by 4morereferrals »

They CAN work but rarely do.

What's working for me in Commercial Lines is Lumpy mail, and not cheesy trinkets in a clunky envelope. Nice stuff ...

$15-20 a whack - with a very targeted [like a picture of the business owner or their product or their location or their website] in the marketing piece. $25k min prem is the targets. My stuff is getting opened, read and remembered. No More cold calls.

Beyond that - its all about Client APPRECIATION - spend the $$$ on them - not the Yellow Pages rep! Appreciation wins out over Self Promotion every time.

Ive been working with a referral marketing coach, and it's the BOMB. He's hooked me up with the Ultimate Referral System. Free Referral Marketing Newsletter - tips tactics and strategies on generating referrals, and client retention programs. Good stuff. New blog too Marketing pieces and tactics posted so you dont have to wait for the bi weekly newsletter The Insurance Referral Marketing Blog.
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