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Re: brightway insurance brokerage in florida

Posted: Fri May 15, 2009 1:22 pm
by MIG1
I completely understand where you are coming from. If I had paid someone 30% for nothing other than access to markets (or a single market), then I would share your view as well. In fact, most options that provide smaller agents access to markets, provide very limited additional support. So, on this point we agree. And, if you hadn't already guessed, I am a Brightway representative.

The question is, as you grow your traditional agency do your expenses grow along with your revenues? Probably so. You need to add staff, agency mangement system licenses, computers, additional space, etc. Imagine if your expenses did not increase along with your revenues. Instead, the increase in revenue went to your bottom line. Remember, in the Brightway model all service is done centrally for you. This is hard for most to accept since there are little to no models that currently provide centralized servicing in one place for an independent agency's entire book of business. However, this difference is precisely why the Brightway model is good for the long run even more than the short run.

Sure, Brightway provides access to carriers, but so do a lot of other avenues. The Brightway advantage is that their success is tied to each agency owner's long term success - which is the growing of a larger book of business. This is not a get rich quick scheme (like Brooke) where a franchisor profited handsomely up front at the expense of its agents. Rather, Brightway succeeds when their agents' succeed. The better job Brightway does at retaining customers through world class service, the more money Brightway AND the agent makes.

Now, try to imagine your agency at a size of $10 million of annualized premiums. Whether this is more or less than your current size really doesn't matter. However, in Brightway's model, your agency's office does not need to be any bigger or have more staff than when your size was $1 million. Do you think that you will have more or less headaches trying to manage a couple of producers, or an entire team of 8-10 people? Certainly you are not limited on the number of producers you add. Some Brightway agents have 1, others have up to 10. It really depends on your goals.

The point here is that Brightway system itself allows good agents to work more efficiently and profit more - while providing more value to their customers.

When you look at where other companies (or an agent in your case) have failed, it was that their goals and performance were not tied to the goals and performance of their Agents. Then, after their models were built on a faulty foundation, they had limited success at executing their business plans. Most will agree that the best companies succeed by truly adding value for their associates, and customers. For now, Brightway remains in Florida. The only way the company will expand outside Florida is if they can offer a better value to agents and customers in other states, like they have been able to do in Florida. Will Brightway expand into other states? Stay tunned.

Re: brightway insurance brokerage in florida

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 10:17 am
by mhutch69
Brightway, Brooke, whatever you call it. YOu are putting your future in someone else's hands.

I will take care of MY clients and do not need to spend 45% or even 35% of revenues to properly service them.

This is for the captive producers jumping to independent that "think" they need help.

I assure you, someone will get greedy and these producers will be starting over like another "franchise" deal recently.

I suggest you determine your OWN future by hard work.

Sending YOUR commissions anywhere but YOUR office is eventual suicide.

Lastly, all agencies in AZ., NV., CA. & TX, if you will pay me 40% of your revenues, I will service your books.

Let me know. Great deal for me...

Re: brightway insurance brokerage in florida

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 8:38 pm
by saintjm136
I don't have a dog in this fight but I say it seems some are meant to own "Mom & Pop" burger joints and some buy a McDonalds. Neither are wrong. One is more expensive but one already has a proven system and proven track record.

Re: brightway insurance brokerage in florida

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 11:25 am
by OmniSure
Brighway is a second interation of MILLER INSURANCE GROUP a NATIONWIDE AGENT that convinced a number of "CSR's" to run Satellite agencies for him, with the promise of "Some Day... you too will be a Rich Nationwide Agent like ME". Yea Right. Google Miller Insurance Group Jacksonville Florida and you will see to correlation. BRIGHTWAY is really being marketed to the Disenfranchised STATE FARM agents in Florida, and I'm sure, "coming soon to a COASTAL STATE NEAR YOU", that are salvating over the prospect of OPENING AND INDEPENDENT AGENCY (ON THE SIDE). The ownership can be "under cover" and CORPORATE STATE FARM will NEVER KNOW that their CAPTIVE AGENTS are BREACHING THEIR EXCLUSIVE CONTRACT! So... there's no need to wory about corporate STATE FARM shutting them down and TRANSFERING/4521ing ALL of the offending agent's book to other "loyal" State Farm agent's, if any remain. I wonder if that 30 year State Farm agent in GALVISTON starated a BRIGHTWAY AGENCY, becasue the newspaper story indicated that over 5000 State Farm Policies were transfered to ther State Farm agents and, in the same sentence, simultainiously the "STATE FARM AGENT" was.... POOF and INDEPENDENT trying to TAKE BACK his "corporately/State Farm contractually owned, clients... By the way, if it is OK for Florida STATE FARM AGENTS to own/profit from a BRIGHTWAY AGENCY "on the side"... WHY DON'T STATE FARM AGENTS IN EVERY STATE OPEN A BRIGHTWAY "ON THE SIDE". Brightway will be bigger than STATE FARM some day! Corporate State Farm really has an interesting challenge on their hands with this "open an independent on the side" mentality. How can corporate State Farm determine if LIFE INSURANCE, ANNUITIES, AUTO, Mutual Fund Business, etc... isn't being FED to the "Independent Agency" ON THE SIDE. If I were a State Farm Agent in ANY STATE, I would want corporate to provide a CLEAR statement that it IS OK to have an independent agency "on the side" OR... that Corporate State Farm would consider such findins a BREACH OF CONTRACT.
Hope this helps clearify the "Brighway"... Any further info would be educational for this topic.


Re: brightway insurance brokerage in florida

Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 11:52 am
by sunnieday
David Miller was a Nationwide agent and is now an independent as are all former Nationwide agents in Florida. When Nationwide pulled out of the homeowner's market, the exclusive agents were turned loose to be independents. Brightway was founded by Miller and replaced his Nationwide agencies. The independents can still write Nationwide paper.

Re: brightway insurance brokerage in florida

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 12:38 pm
One thing for sure, I would read every word of that contract, ESPECIALLY since they are asserting ownership of the fruits of your hard labor. And I would research, research, research... Hopefully the original post is merely a drop in the bucket of info you are gathering regarding this "opportunity". If contract law is not your forte, get it reviewed by a lawyer, I don't care if it costs thousands to get that opinion. The cost will pale in comparison to the cost of getting stuck in a bad contract.

Re: brightway insurance brokerage in florida

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 5:11 pm
by larsimo
Brightway, SF, Allstate, Nationwide, etc.... are all the same. You work for somebody else. You don't work for you. Simple as that. You don't get to make the "decisions". They make the decisions for you and if you don't like it, well, too bad.

Anyone thinking of getting into this business, I highly recommend going indy 8).

Re: brightway insurance brokerage in florida

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 11:11 am
by BPK610
PLEASE think long and hard before buying a Brightway franchise! Read the contract...better yet, take it to a few attorneys and let them read it WITH you! Talk to agents, not just the ones they suggest! Talk to people that have done business with Brightway...ask about the company, executives, employees, clients, etc. Ask what success/failure rate is for the franchises that have been sold. Do research, research, research and more research! Why would you want to spend that much money to build a book that you do not and will not ever own? As far as the servicing goes, I would think that a 45% commission incentive for a renewal CSR or so would be a GREAT income and create VERY loyal emplyees. The only benefit I see is the appointments with carriers, but then again that is not guaranteed. For new agents, this may be a great option but remember you can establish loyalty with companies without paying rent at a place to hang someone else's logo! Yes, I understand the brand thing, but really do we EVEN like McDonald's or would we rather go to "Mom and Pop's" for real burger?

Re: brightway insurance brokerage in florida

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 12:42 pm
by agent1234
STOP before you get involved with Brightway in ANY way. The Miller family has built their company on dishonesty and greed. They only care about getting franchises set up and then offer absolutely no support. Commissions are not paid and, when questioned, they tell you (among other unrealistic excuses) that the insurance companies have not paid or that you forgot to dot an "i" on your paper work. They do not respond to phone calls, messages or any request for help and, if you do eventually get an excuse, it is that they were busy signing up another franchise so couldn't respond to your question/concern. Yes, they offer servicing, and if a client calls the customer service center, the next thing you know that account has been cancelled and miraculously is assigned to corporate. Who, by the way, buys leads in your area. Yes, the people you pay to service your account are also in competition with you -- IN YOUR OWN TERRITORY. Trust me, you DO NOT want to get involved with this group. Thankfully, the owner at the franchise I worked for shared these stories with me so that I can spread the word to anyone contemplating buying into this scam. Ask them for the history on ALL of their franchises -- those that are a member of their family, those that are NOT related, those that have closed and those that have yet to show a profit after 3 years. Do your homework. And then STAY AWAY!!!

Re: brightway insurance brokerage in florida

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 6:59 pm
by MIG1
Really agent1234?? Brightway doesn't pay commissions properly - Really?? Brightway doesn't answer calls - Really? No, not really. In fact not at all. The good thing about posts like this is that people can share freely. Unfortunately, people can also say things that are completely untrue and baseless. However, smart people WILL do their homework. They will ask good questions and expect equally good answers. Anyone contemplating opening a new agency SHOULD look at all of the alternatives and weigh the pros and cons of each. Look at the agency's retention of customers and yes, look at the agency's retention of agents. In Brightway's case over 95% of the agents who have come on board in the last 6 years are still open AND GROWING. Ask to see how commissions are processed. Is the process completely transparent. For a company to succeed, it HAS to be - and it certainly is at Brightway. Yes, you should talk to current agents and current customers. Brightway's new business sales have doubled for each of the last 6 years. So, with over 70,000 customers it shouldn't be too hard to find some that would be happy to share why they chose Brightway. Unlike mystery agent1234, THEY will tell you the truth. Or, ask any of Brightway's directly appointed carriers how Brightway performs for them. In the end just use some common sense. If Brightway was such a terrible company, why would it be continuing to succeed 6 years after being founded?

Re: brightway insurance brokerage in florida

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 2:42 pm
by Piper1

Re: brightway insurance brokerage in florida

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 10:18 pm
by OmniSure
This is Ed Rust, please fly up to Bloomington with that plane your State Farm commission purchased. I would like to talk to you about calling on every State Farm agency in Florida and selling them on the idea of a Brightway Agency "on the side". I'm no longer enforcing the "Captive" agents contract. HOWEVER, I want 50% of the inital $50,000 Brightway Entry Fee (down payment) and 10% of all of the commission the State Farm agents ROLL over to their Brightway agencies. Now, you and Dave should'nt get greedy, you know that the HUGE VOLUME of AUTO, HOME, LIFE & ANNUITY business all of my State Farm agent's will be rolling to you will be a HUGE benefit to you, my cut is a very small concession in return for the HUGE VOLUME OF STATE FARM BUSINESS. And, if this realy is A BRIGHTWAY... I may just sanction your franchise for ALL of my State Farm agents throughout the entire country. If there's a Brightway for State Farm agent' in Florida, whay not ALL of my agents in EVERY STATE!

Re: brightway insurance brokerage in florida

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 6:40 am
by riverman38
I think 45% is really quite high for Brightway agents to pay for "back office" service and other features of the franchise. Perhaps 25% or 30% would be more realistic and not gouging the agents. Brooke failed due to this kind of thing. Bleeding the agent and his work is not a good idea! Yeah, I know all of the talk about it having been in the business some 45 years and ran a successful independent agency and also a successful Allstate agency. So, people buy into what they think will work for them but for me, the 45% pealing off of our commissions is just not a good idea if I were writing business through anyone!! Essentially what they are saying to you is we will take 50% of your commission and you still have to pay out of your 50% left all of your expenses of operations. So after it is all said and done, you may have 10% left in the bank if you do well. L. Carnes

Re: brightway insurance brokerage in florida

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 1:14 pm
by Blah22
All I have to say is after working for Brightway the last 3 years, I question everything about the company. They accounting is terrible and we are now keeping track of everything ourselves for compariables. They also take way too much for their "service work", I honestly wish I knew what their service team did. Everytime I transfer their home office a call, the "new" customer service agent answers I hang up and they end up calling me back because they couldnt answer or help the client. On renewals its almost laughable how many times I come across things that havent been touched, when they should have sent out a notice or phone call to the client. If I wasnt so deep in this company I would have bailed out a long time ago. The turn over in agent produceres is terrible because Agency owners cant afford to pay the producers salery and the producers cant afford to live off the small comissions. There are a few exceptions to this, where agency owners came into the business with money etc. but for the most part majority of the agents I speak with are struggeling just like us and feel we arent making enough for what we are writing. They want you to think your getting paid a higher comission rate than other agents however majority of those companies that were paying 1 or 1/2% more to us have revoked that because of loss ratios. I could go on and on but I am getting heated just writing all of this down. My advise to anyone STAY AWAY!!!

Re: brightway insurance brokerage in florida

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 12:22 pm
by BWagent
I'm sorry Blah, I have to call BS on your post. I am a long time Brightway Agent and not only is your post far from the truth but the misspellings and horrible grammar makes me think you are not (and have never been) a Brightway Agent. There are still many companies that do pay us a higher commission rate than an independent contract and we have other appointments that you simply would not even be able to obtain on your own. The service center does a great job and by having them allows us to write over $2m a week in new business. Like in any business venture there are those who are successful and those who are not. I can tell you that the business model works and we have over 100 successful franchisees to prove that.