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Re: Agency Advantage

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 7:24 pm
by meytai
The best management software out there is AMS.. but it is hella expensive (AMS 360)

I use Hawksoft but they LAG. They have a new forum where their custoemrs can make suggestions.. but they still lag.. so many things ot upgrade and do!

Re: Agency Advantage

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 11:52 am
anyone have thoughts on QQ Evolution Management System (Quickfile) in comparison to others?

Re: Agency Advantage

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 12:13 pm
by SteveAnderson
Choosing the best agency management system for your agency is perhaps the most important decision an agency owner can make. Unfortunately most agencies don't take the time necessary to properly evaluate all the options that are available to them. I have been able to identify 36 different products from 26 different vendors currently available that help an insurance agency manage policy and client information.

To help agencies understand the process they should go through when evaluating management systems (whether upgrading or changing to a new system, or purchasing their very first one) I have created a course delivered by e-mail that details the five step process. There is no cost or obligation to receive this information. Simply go to ... nt-system/ and complete the simply sign-up form. You will receive five e-mails, one each day for five days detailing the five steps you should take to make sure you choose the very best agency management system.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Steve Anderson

Re: Agency Advantage

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 2:10 pm
by WashingtonAgent
I have used Hawksoft for over 7 years after changing from AMS Prime, and it just gets better and better! It is the most intuitive agency software on the market. We hired an admin assistant with NO prior insurance experience, gave her 2 hours of training in the morning. By the afternoon, she was handling cancellations and renewal letters!

Hawksoft is very affordable for most agencies, but when you consider the money saved on training and the ongoing ease of use of the program, there is not a more cost-effective program in the marketplace.

And everything that has been said about Hawksoft's responsive customer service is true! I've never had to send in a work ticket and wait for a response. I call customer service, talk to an experienced rep who has worked previously in an agency setting, and I get my problem solved!

The marketing capabilities have improved greatly over the past year. Now, not only can I choose to send form letters to any/all clients, I can also send emails! And a permanent record of the communication is automatically noted in the client file. Great E & O protection.

If you are shopping for a new agency management system, Hawksoft really must be on your short list.

Insurance Journal Fan

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Joined: Tue Dec 16, 2008 7:20 pm
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