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Re: Stop It!

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 3:00 pm
by policyman
Yes, Scott you are correct about dealing only with the decision maker. That was one of the lessons I learned from that encounter, but I didn't expand on it in the last post.

Re: Stop It!

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 11:35 am
by JasonBHBCo
Excellent post, and the idea only leaving a proposal by "selling" it is something that most agents won't ever think of doing. But, it makes a lot of sense as it represents the expert work of the producer (and others at the agency).

Re: Stop It!

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 12:48 pm
by scott
Several readers have contacted me off-line. I want to clarify a point.

In the initial prospect meeting you must tell the prospect how the world is going to work.

“To move forward we start with a complete analysis of your exposures to loss and your insurance...

"After we meet to review my findings I am going to ask you a question.

“The question I will ask is, ‘Was the information I provided valuable, interesting, and sufficient enough for you to change insurance agents?’

“You will either say yes or no.

“If you say no, we shake hands. I take my report and we part friends.

“If you say yes,..."

This is a part (the middle) of a sales system that I found successful. It is not just the normal insurance sales process without leaving a proposal.

Re: Stop It!

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 10:07 pm
by jrcpcpkc
I am new to this forum but not new to p and c or sales. I have been reading through this forum for the last couple of hours scanning information for relevant topics and new information. All that I have to say is "STOP IT", you people know exactly who I am talking to. This is what is supposed to be an insurance forum for working p and c professionals to share relevant information about their industry and experience.

There are way too many leeches squirming their way through this webpage feeding off of those that may need a little bit of help, and put themselves out there because they have no other mentor, this is so apparent. I see posts from individuals claiming to be "insurance sales pros" at 10am, 2pm, 12pm...etc. No "sales-pro" is going to be looking through this forum pouring out their knowledge in the mid-morning or early afternoon. They just don't have time, and it doesn't matter what you are selling. The folks doing this are looking for some loose rubber band that they can take advantage of an stretch them out until they break, selling there "consulting" or "leads".

Sales is an age-old system of relationships, persistance, and hard-work that eventually pays off for those with the charisma and intelligence for the work that they perform. I see regurgitated sales vomit all over the place, with so and so putting their own spin on what so and so said, without a real test. Another age old adage to adage that holds true, "those who can't...teach"

Know your goals, go to work, develop your system, track your work, change your system, and reach your goals.


Nuff Said

Re: Stop It!

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 12:33 pm
by Island Girl Agent
I just had to comment on the issue of whether to leave the proposal with the prospect or not. Wow, how unprofessional it sounds to go to all the effort of developing a great insurance program for a prospect and then tell them you are unwilling to put it in writing. I don't see that building trust. Of course you are going to get it shopped from time to time, but in my 33 years of experience on the P & C side, that has never been the reason we didn't pick up the business. If you are working on the right prospects and doing the right thing by focusing on risk management above price, you'll end up with good business.

Re: Stop It!

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 12:50 pm
by jackwehoca
To jrcpcpkc

Just what the world needs.......another self-righteous agent

Re: Stop It!

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 1:09 pm
by gregcw
I have to say that I agree with Island Girl Agent and I also agree with scott It's always a judgement call and you have to be prepared and willing to make the wrong call from time to time. On the time spent by FFA in making the presentation that's also a judgement call. It sounds to me that, if he wins, he's well compensated for his time. Some buyers are not sophisticated and their idiosyncracies just have to be tolerated.

Re: Stop It!

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 1:43 pm
by d's insurance store
I think Scott's point in this resurrected posting is that in an attempt to elevate oneself into a true insurance professional during a fact gathering and quote issuing process, one must have the self confidence to separate the true business decision maker interested in total risk management from the once a year price shopper.

There's obviously room in the marketplace for both market elements and this tactic is probably not appropriate for the small BOP prospect trying to save a couple of hundred dollars from a $2000 policy, but in the commercial marketplace where premiums are high and proper risk management is welcomed and appreciated (perhaps underappreciated), I see this selling technique as an asset.

If the prospect is allowed to take notes during the risk management discussion and the firm price follows, then I don't see a need to be littering the sales landscape with customized proposals without permission to go forward.

Re: Stop It!

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 11:51 am
by FFA
I gave up on him. After listening to him blab on and on about how he gave the euligy at Cardinal Joseph Bernadines funeral service (among many other things), I pulled the video and did not see him at all. I asked him about it and he went into a song and dance.

I followed that with a $19,000 consulting bill and have not heard a wrod from him since. In my cover letter, I was very rude and disrespectfull as he had been to me.

He invented the term Cardinal Rabbi. Not being familiar with the Jewish Faith, I contacted several people and they told me he was a con man as he has requested I give him what totaled to be about $5000.

When he referred to the late Cardinal as Joe and told me he bought an apartment building from him personally out side the church, that was enough.

I could go on for hours as I spent many with him. Blunt end, I wasted many hours.