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Re: Astonish Results or Squid

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 12:00 pm
by AnMarieB
If I may offer a suggestion that can fix the issue of having white text on a white background, just add a black transparent bar behind the text. Here is an example -

Re: Astonish Results or Squid

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 1:39 pm
by Pathwayinsurance
NYagent301 wrote:Pathway - I don't think most end users will be able to tell if a site is hand coded or a template, unless it is a very common template. I'm just looking at this from a fresh vantage point and giving you my honest opinion. I have been an agent 24 years my website sucks and it is a template, so I would elect not to share it. If anyone else has an opinion on please chime in, maybe it's just me.
NYagent301- I'm also a 24 year veteran industry professional...while its true everyone is Entitled to their personal opinion, and It's true that beauty is always in the eye of beholder your statements were inaccurate. (No chance a high school student could have built this website.)

The website was built To the exact specifications of that agency owner in Kansas, he likes it, other clients that have since hired our company to build website systems have reviewed this particular website and liked it as well. Of course as I mentioned what one person likes may not interest others, that's ok. As long as the client Is satisfied with the website that's all that Really matters isn't that so?

If you are Dissatisfied with your website, Why don't you do something about it?

I have looked at hundreds of different insurance agency websites and honestly a few are so hideous I would be absolutely embarrassed to show it to a client or potential customer.

We need to remember that our website Represents a direct reflection upon us as a business owner... Example if an agency owner make a cold call on a multimillion dollar business that is willing to Allow the agency to provide quotes, often That business owner or management team responsible for securing coverage will review the agency website... If the website is a train wreck you can likely forget about getting that business.

It would be the same thing as showing up for an appointment For that same business owner in a 1992 Ford Taurus that belches black soot like a fog bank and you meet the owner in your dirty suit with grime Underneath your fingernails Expecting to close the deal... Appearances most certainly do matter, especially with websites.

Re: Astonish Results or Squid

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 1:42 pm
by Pathwayinsurance
AnMarieB wrote:If I may offer a suggestion that can fix the issue of having white text on a white background, just add a black transparent bar behind the text. Here is an example -
Thanks for your tip I'll pass it onto my design team!

Re: Astonish Results or Squid

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 1:52 pm
by Pathwayinsurance
Pathwayinsurance wrote:
NYagent301 wrote:Pathway - I don't think most end users will be able to tell if a site is hand coded or a template, unless it is a very common template. I'm just looking at this from a fresh vantage point and giving you my honest opinion. I have been an agent 24 years my website sucks and it is a template, so I would elect not to share it. If anyone else has an opinion on please chime in, maybe it's just me.
NYagent301- I'm also a 24 year veteran industry professional...while its true everyone is Entitled to their personal opinion, and It's true that beauty is always in the eye of beholder your statements were inaccurate. (No chance a high school student could have built this website.)

The website was built To the exact specifications of that agency owner in Kansas, he likes it, other clients that have since hired our company to build website systems have reviewed this particular website and liked it as well. Of course as I mentioned what one person likes may not interest others, that's ok. As long as the client Is satisfied with the website that's all that Really matters isn't that so?

If you are Dissatisfied with your website, Why don't you do something about it?

I have looked at hundreds of different insurance agency websites and honestly a few are so hideous I would be absolutely embarrassed to show it to a client or potential customer.

We need to remember that our website Represents a direct reflection upon us as a business owner... Example if an agency owner make a cold call on a multimillion dollar business that is willing to Allow the agency to provide quotes, often That business owner or management team responsible for securing coverage will review the agency website... If the website is a train wreck you can likely forget about getting that business.

It would be the same thing as showing up for an appointment For that same business owner in a 1992 Ford Taurus that belches black soot like a fog bank and you meet the owner in your dirty suit with grime Underneath your fingernails Expecting to close the deal... Appearances most certainly do matter, especially with websites.
I Forgot to mention that this particular agency owner had a template website that was Very dated looking and that's why he contacted us And hired our company Because he knew that a template website was just not going to Give him the Professional appearance that his agency needs... The mistake some agents make It's not investing in a professional looking website... My main website that you see listed in my signature Was built back in 2006 And rebuilt in 2007 and modified a few times... Even though the agency website is older I've had several agents ask me if I can build a website just like that because they like the design, but again this was a custom website that I paid $10,000 for someone to build. Because my website is very professional with it's content and appearance we attract high end prospects to my website...

Example The largest personal lines accounts we have ever written in my agency came from leads generated by means of my website, One was a physician, And two others were Multimillion dollar business owners... I guarantee that if my website looked like a train wreck they would've never called my agency... Agents really need to Look at your website as a reflection of your business It's wise to invest in custom-designed websites And avoid the template websites. (No offense intended to you template website designers out there)

Re: Astonish Results or Squid

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 2:44 am
by Pathwayinsurance
This is another site built recently for my agency:

It includes a drip system provided through office auto pilot, embedded videos, and a comparative rater. We have had tremendous success with this site in terms of leads in new business production...check it out!

Re: Astonish Results or Squid

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 2:51 am
by Pathwayinsurance
Pathwayinsurance wrote:
Pathwayinsurance wrote:This is another site built recently for my agency:

It includes a drip system provided through office auto pilot, embedded videos, and a comparative rater. We have had tremendous success with this site in terms of leads in new business production...check it out!
This video is an example of one we produced for my agency in Cincinnati.
The actress in the video is my partner and wife!

Here is a second video created:

Re: Astonish Results or Squid

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 2:53 am
by Pathwayinsurance
Pathwayinsurance wrote:
Pathwayinsurance wrote:This is another site built recently for my agency:

It includes a drip system provided through office auto pilot, embedded videos, and a comparative rater. We have had tremendous success with this site in terms of leads in new business production...check it out!
This video is an example of one we produced for my agency in Cincinnati.
The actress in the video is my partner and wife!

Here is a second video created: