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Re: Primerica

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 12:20 pm
by jimmyr1978
dot2mom wrote:I will repeat my story again and again. My first customer as A PFS rep was my son and daughter-in-law (ages 28 and 30). Their policy wsa effective February 28 and on May 1 my daughter-in-law died - suddenly and unexpectedly. I was able to deliver a check to my grieving son that will alleviate the need for him to go back to work right away. He has three children who are now without a mother - 8 years, 5 years and 6 weeks (at the time of her death). I've been a licensed P&C broker for 30 years and never experienced anything as gratifying as this even though it was as a result of tremendous tragedy.

Please know that there are over 130,000 of us "believers" and Primerica is debt fee. The net profit for 2008 was over $500 million. For the number of folks insured and the few negative things I've read and heard, I'd rather be insured by Primerica than AIG - they "lost" almost $29 BILLION in 90 days.

I'm sorry about your loss, but any term policy would produce the same results. Primerica is a pyramid scheme, nothing more, nothing less.

Re: Prime America

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 12:40 pm
by shortro reply from the PFS agent?

Re: Prime America

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 9:35 am
by mike-stock
rather its best investing in penny stocks nowadays

Re: Prime America

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 2:28 pm
by Rainmaker
Well this appears to be an AL Williams discussion!

I would agree with Bigdog in that 'buy term and invest the difference' was a sound concept on paper at a time in our economy where T-Bills were paying 20.5% interest! I would add that an important criteria of this model was that people would actually have to invest the difference in order for it to work! Most did not! Many liquidated their whole life in favor of this approach, and, rather that investing the difference, they spent it on consumer goods!

Life insurance, in my opinion, regardless of the actual investment return for equity products, is effective (for lack of a better term) 'forced savings.' It's all about what actually gets you to the finish line, in this case, economic prosperity (or independence) at retirement, in my opinion.

A.L. Williams also, as many will recall, made most of his money from new part time agents selling their friends and families then leaving the business - thus 'cashing in' on orphan policyholders.

Don't know if any of the above really has a touchpoint on your questions about Primerica today - but advise that you do your due diligence carefully.

Good luck!

Re: Prime America

Posted: Sun May 01, 2011 1:22 pm
by obe231
For your info, Prime America is US freight service company and was founded in 1989. They deliver goods. They do not deal with any financial products. If you live in US need things to be delivered anywhere in the US, give them a call.

Re: Prime America

Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 11:20 am
by spokaneins
I thought Primerica was a peramid scheme

Re: Prime America

Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 6:07 am
by Big Dog
spokaneins wrote:I thought Primerica was a peramid scheme
What's a "peramid"?