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Post by sanddog1 »

Your just not understanding???. Cluster are a powerful group of agencies that can become a strong market position. Dude, I can bring and appointment to another agency or cluster, that benefits from my appointment..... period. 1)My commission are still 15 to 18% the bounce just grows larger because of a larger volume commitment. 2) if you don't have a direct appointment with the same carriers as your book, ( Hartford, Travelers, Allied ) for example. Then do you own your book???? You need a minium of $300,000 to 400,000 in written premium to get a direct appointment. You have no underwriting contact, the underwriters are under no obligation to sharpen there pencil for you. They are giving you basic retail quotes, man you guys have a lot to learn. Zurich, give us and automatic 15% off all retail quote because of our volume.
Safeco, Allied, Travelers are the same or more. I quoted a larger lessor risk $25,000 I went Safeco and ask to reduce the quote the came in at 20% less over Travelers. You my friend can not do that unless you hook up. The independent agency are a way of the passed.
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Post by broberts »

You mean you are not an independent agent? Can you just simply tell us IN DETAIL how you are set up?

Many thanks!
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Post by sanddog1 »

broberts, if you read 50% of the topic's concerning this posting and similar. There is nothing more I or anyone can tell you. Its all right there in the postings. Your looking for a book or brochure with all the answers. None available the sales are to small. You - my friend have it all in-front of you. Go see a good broker, or try and hook up with a direct writer. You have no other choices. You can't join a cluster with out experience and a book. Using webb site MGA's will not develop the avenue your seeking. You can't get where I am with out a broker to teach you and a book buy back deal.
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Post by sanddog1 »

You mean you are not an independent agent? Can you just simply tell us IN DETAIL how you are set up?
Opps forgot to answer your other question?, So did you not understand or read my prior post? question: do you know what and independent broker is ? I am independent and have direct access to direct carriers. I pay for that privilege because I have develop a large enough book and experience to do so. I own the whole show and can sell to you today..that's independent baby:wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:
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Post by broberts »

sanddog1, I understand well. Now, list your preferences for a broker to join. Names, list names! Who do you use as you state you pay for that opportunity. Thats simply what I''m asking. List the specific broker please.

Many thanks!
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Post by GrowthAgent »


Joining a cluster is good for some and not for others. I've heard numerous stories of clusters breaking up for the wrong reasons. The on-line wholesalers like Noodle and Superior Access allow an individual retail agent to worry about him or herself only. Its a good option for some.

By the way, did you hear XD lost its CEO again. Not a good sign for newer vendor.
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Post by sanddog1 »

GrowthAgent, Broberts
sanddog1, I understand well. Now, list your preferences for a broker to join. Names, list names! Who do you use as you state you pay for that opportunity. Thats simply what I''m asking. List the specific broker please.
OK, OK i hear yea, lets try it this i am the.... Broker i ....own.... my agency and..... book of business. 8) I am located in CA. There are many agency Clusters in CA some good some BAD. Check the webb for agency clusters in your State. And yes GrowthAgent is correct. A poorly ran cluster could fall apart. With that being said, look at Allstate Ins. They had to go public with Stock to stay out of trouble. And Farmers was down rated to B- and guess who Ate them up ZURICH. :roll: So you need to do your home work just like the research your doing on this forum. Clusters only work for experience brokers with a book to bring to the table.
:P :P So are you and do you have a book :?:
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Post by pita3333 »

As I sit here and read (asked over and over and over) all the posts from people wanting to break into this business...and I keep wondering why is it that it is so hard to find any good (or close to good) candidates to fill our entry level positions!

Then I read the posts again and remember (realize) that everyone wants to start at the top and not the bottom...

Just the other day I was a presenter at our local user group meeting. At the end of my presentation a lady walked up and said "you did a great job, do you recongnize my face?". It took me a min to realize that it was the person who hired me as a file clerk right out of high school...24 years ago!

I know this will fall mostly on deaf ears....but is not something that you can just walk in the door and do! It requires knowledge and skill...and for the most part it is knowledge and skill that MUST...yes I said MUST be earned on the job. Via seeing how things are done and how to find the right path. Sure some will say that homeowners and BOPs are easy to do...but many are written wrong. The only real way to find out they are wrong is when a claim happens and fortunately most people do not have claims.

I can not even begin to relate how often I open up a prospects insurance policy and see critical errors...sometimes small (named insured) and other times HUGE. Currently I am with a niche agency and it amazes me how often our competitors write the wrong coverage.

I will now step off my soap box....and return to reviewing the replies to my job posting for an entry level person.
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entry level

Post by volstrike3 »

If you have problems finding quality entry level positions, you probably are paying below market rate. If you are not paying equal to Real Estate, Mortgage, Medical offices, etc for entry level pay, you are going to get the leftovers. You have to pay better than those idustries.

We have had success hiring entry level employees out of Heald, Western Career College, etc. Most two year college students are a little older and more mature. They also do not think they are worth $75k right out of school
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Post by pita3333 »

Well Vol...can't disagree there...working hard to bring the salary up...have made improvements, but need to make more.

I have tried (and will continue to) to recruit from the local InVest programs. The one at the High School level so far has not been much help. Transportation issues seem to be the excuse.

The one at the local Community College are just getting started, so might be another year before they turn out any candidates.
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Post by carterrud »

Pita, the problem I have is not the salary it is the training. I have been doing this for almost two years for the same company. Our company is small 3 producers(counting owner),5 csr's and about 3 really decent company's to write for. Since day one I was put in an office with a phone book and told get business. I was sent to a couple classes and programs but no real world training. I thought when I got into this business my boss would take me around to meet some of the important people he knows or important company people and introduce me. I thought at least he would come with me on appts. He never has because he is doing his own stuff. I join clubs and network and do my part.

So my question is why hire me if you are not willing to help me with anything. I know it doesn't happen overnight but If it's not good now it will not change later. How will I learn when I get business it goes to the office manager and she takes her time with the quote and I am left in the dark on what she is doing. Then 3 weeks later tells me that our 2 companys will not write it and the other is real high. Why can I not be involved in the marketing process? You know why because my boss thinks if I learn to much I will leave and screw him, but too bad I signed a no-compete which I never received a copy of. I just was happy to get into this business.

I am looking for a new place because I love this business but not where I am. This time I will spend more time researching where I go. If you people think that you can hire someone on and say make me money you are crazy. We want to be suceesful at this too we just need the same oppurtunities you were given.

I know someone will complain about spelling, so sorry in advance.
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Post by rodgwag »

Don't give up. Most agents don't last as long as you have. You seem to have a love for the insurance business and that is a big plus. Through this forum you have received a smorgasbord of career options as well as up to date information from your more advanced fellow practitioners. Take what you need and leave the rest on the table. You will be very successful.
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Post by volstrike3 »

You need to get out of there. Small agencies can work for seasoned producers but you need an agency with an established training program. It might even make sense to spend some time with a large direct writer (Liberty Mutual or Federated) as they have great trainning programs and you can compete on large commercial accounts within their niche very well.

The sink or swim method of training is very old school. This business is hard enough when you have great support staff and excellent markets, don't handicap yourself by staying where you are.
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new agent training

Post by wlunday »

Carterrud - if your boss is to busy (or doesn't know how) to train you, ask him if you can participate in one of the industry designation programs. Some are really great and provide excellent "on-the-job" training... Like the LUTCF program through The American College. The P/C industry has great programs, too... look into what's offered by the Big I or your area PIA associations. It will cost the boss a few bucks up front, but this is the best investment he can make in his business. Well trained professionals enhance a business and take the pressure off the boss.... poorly trained ones cause all kinds of heartaches!
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Superior Access

Post by coolnmellow »

I called Superior Access and they told me I can get a sub appointment with Hartford, Safeco, One Beacon or CNA for no charge.
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