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Re: National Agents Alliance? Legit or Keep Away?

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 7:50 pm
by pontiac
Was recently shown the NAA opportunity. Very intrigued. Wish I could get straight answers on my questions.

Re: National Agents Alliance? Legit or Keep Away?

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 11:41 am
by NewGuy1
Hey Everyone, I recently joined NAA and also got my producers license yesterday. I've been to/on a ton of meetings/phone trainings and also went to the National Convention to check it out (and for the warmer weather). My thoughts so far is that it can be a great opportunity for the person/people who take advantage of it and work. As with any type of sales, some people sink and others swim.

For people wondering... It is a 1099 so there is no weekly paycheck for hours
It is your own business so you can work alone or hire... up to you
It does have an mlm structure... as with any Insurance co or sales organization that allows you to hire/train other agents

Some people don't understand overrides or don't think the person who hires you deserves any money for helping you earn a paycheck and that is entirely up to them... but being in sales previously I know that in the beginning I had a million questions and I needed them answered to get the deal completed.... I'm willing to share the commission with the guy/gal who helps me close and put money in my bank and food in my stomach. Not everyone is willing, but everyone does because no matter where you work the manager is making money off of your effort somehow, somewhere.

Still not sure why people are scared of 1099s, mlms or whatever you refer to them as.... they give you the greatest opportunity to supplement your current income on YOUR time.

You do have to buy leads. Some as much as $20 if you want newer ones, but there are $3 ones as well...or you can try to sell to all of your friends and family...(One of the Larger Insurance companies lead program I interviewed with)... I won't bash because they are protecting a lot of American families and thats cool with me. Well running out of time for now.

As a wrap up I'll say I'm excited, I'm on board and I wish everyone the best of luck with whatever they do.

Re: National Agents Alliance? Legit or Keep Away?

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 11:48 am
by pontiac
Thanks for the info! Yeah, I decided to get licensed with them as well. There's so many concepts that I like, and from what I've researched, the pro's outnumber the con's. I know I was hesitant because of the straight commission part, but based on the averages I see, the money is there, and that's a small risk I'm willing to take. Looking forward to succeeding with everyone else who's selling with them!

Re: National Agents Alliance? Legit or Keep Away?

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 2:47 pm
by placidsolace
To All:

I am currently with NAA, love it and live it. We should try and stay positive for those that like, enjoy, or are just starting to like the NAA. Not that people shouldn't learn what is out there but the NAA hasn't and does not do anything illegal, wrong, or plain unethical, so let people decide for themselves. We really shouldn't shun something we don't understand, instead learn.

The people that do not do as well as they wanted are just upset that they didn't reach their expectations of the system, and the system rewards your own activity, so, if the result is not what was expected then there are things the individual needs to improve, not the system. In fact, I will say from experience that there is a lot and I mean A LOT that one has to change or modify about themselves in order to succeed, the whole thing is surrounded with personal growth.

So lastly, NAA is not for everybody, however anybody can do it.

PS - everyone stop talking crap, isn't it "wrong" to bad mouth a competitor? So don't



Re: National Agents Alliance? Legit or Keep Away?

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 10:44 am
by philip
Ever heard the term "Blackboard Rich". Nuff said!

Re: National Agents Alliance? Legit or Keep Away?

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 12:04 pm
by pontiac
I'm just starting with National Agents Alliance, and getting free leads within 20 miles of home, and over half the appointments are closing so far :D Can you beat that, Mr. Cribbs? Also, when do you plan to retire off overrides? Or is that something that ONLY NAA OFFERS? ;) (don't forget to look at the big picture)


Re: National Agents Alliance? Legit or Keep Away?

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 9:52 pm
by AgencyEquity
The key to finding out more about a Cluster or Alliance type group is to talk to agency members of a given group. One member is only one members viewpoint, I would talk to at least 3 to 5 if not more. Listen most to the people who give you both the positive and the negative. Nearly every smaller agency will benefit from membership by being a part of one of these groups and many medium size agencies benefit as well. The power of being part of a group has some nice benfits, including more markets, more commissions, and profit sharing. Yes, you may give up commissions or pay monthly fees, but the return on investment is most cases is well worth it.

Re: National Agents Alliance? Legit or Keep Away?

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 1:33 pm
by pontiac far for me...

60% Close Ratio
$400 Average UpFront Commission per Sale!!
Excellent training & support. Residual income already coming in.

Having a lot of fun :) I've only been involved about 4 weeks. Very excited. Will continue to grow and sell. In my opinion, this is the best company/business I've seen yet.


Re: National Agents Alliance? Legit or Keep Away?

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 10:10 am
by Brand
hmm, is NAA still drafting $ out of agents accounts for leads even after the agent leaves? They were known for that in the past.

Re: National Agents Alliance? Legit or Keep Away?

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 12:56 pm
by Matthew Conner
I'd like to know about anyone's experience with CCU a branch within NAA. I am currently working for them and I am happy with my closing rate and access to free leads, however I recently found out that at my contract level I am not offered renewals. Has anyone else ever run into something like this?

Re: National Agents Alliance? Legit or Keep Away?

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2011 8:46 pm
by slushpuppyking
Good news guys, I will be a guinea pig for you all and checkout this NAA "opportunity". I work in the mortgage industry and quite like it, but I'm a workaholic and volume is up and down so I saw this NAA opportunity advertised on craigslist and went to an "interview". It was just a meeting but I thought it was casual and some nice people were there. You could tell they were very much drinking the NAA koolaid but oh well, that isn't always a bad thing.

After the meeting they gave me a one on one and showed off a "typical lead" with the highlight being how badly these people want our services, look ho wmany phone number conacts they put down! LOL.

The next step is getting my 2-15 license. No big deal, I hold 25 state licenses as a mortgage originator so I can pass this test I am sure. Then after that I can really begin with the company.

That's where I am at so far. I'll keep you all posted so you know exactly how my experience went and I hope it will help someone else decide if it is a good idea. This forum honestly just has my curiousity peeked. Yes there is a lot of bad being said about NAA on here BUT at the same time some of those posts are dated pretty old and it is possible the compamy has corrected some issues.

But I will say the #1 thing I am looking for is the scam part. If they say I need to buy leads that is not THAT bad if they are quality leads. If I purchase 10 leads at $20 a pop and all 10 are rubbish or aged then this is a joke and I will be right on here to report that. At the same time I have read some nasty stuff about them debiting your account for leads even after you leave. No sir I don't think so! I will not be duped into giving them any kind of account info they can debit from, and if they say that is the only way they do it then I will either walk right out or demand the manager sign a special aggreement ensuring they will never debit my account for leads after I have left. That is really shady, and hopefully something they have corrected since it was an issue reported by many on various forums.

Anyway everyone I will keep you posted on my experience with them!

Re: National Agents Alliance? Legit or Keep Away?

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 12:16 pm
by pontiac
Drafted money for leads not purchased??? That's never happened to me. What are the details? Or is this another one of those lies from drinking the Loser Kool-Aid?

Do this...Investigate those charges, and post the details of them. (Remember, you don't always get charged the very instant that you buy something...LOL) How about a straight answer for once? I still haven't gotten one. :)

(And you all know, when there's no straight answers to my questions, it means they can't back up what they say...which most likely means it's not true. Stay away from the Loser Kool-Aid everone.)

Re: National Agents Alliance? Legit or Keep Away?

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 7:20 pm
by Memphis25
Just join the forum and spoke with an NAA about joining them.. I see there are some strong opinons about this company. I have a background in MLM (Pre-Paid Legal services) and built a successful organzation. Im ready to build the same with NAA,With that being said any extra info I need to know??

Re: National Agents Alliance? Legit or Keep Away?

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 7:21 pm
by Memphis25
Memphis25 wrote:Just join the forum and spoke with an NAA about joining them.. I see there are some strong opinons about this company. I have a background in MLM (Pre-Paid Legal services) and built a successful organzation. Im ready to build the same with NAA,With that being said any extra info I need to know??
Coming out the Atlanta,Ga area VIA Memphis, Tn

Re: National Agents Alliance? Legit or Keep Away?

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 12:23 am
by pontiac

I would say just stick to the simple steps, and follow your manager's lead. When you have questions, just ask your manager. Keep it simple. I started like 4 months ago, and it's going well. You will succeed.
