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Re: SEO and buying back links

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 2:06 pm
by PMG Agency
Yes, buying back-links can build up your SEO, but it would be best to actually work on it yourself. Just start off with a simple blog and post daily, eventually getting more advanced with the SEO. You can easily look up tutorials on how to get started with your own SEO.

Re: SEO and buying back links

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2013 9:20 pm
by ABMCalifornia
landersinsurance wrote:Does anyone buy backlinks to increase your insurance website's SEO? If so, where is a good place to start? I dont want to buy 1000 crappy links. I want to but like 1-5 really good ones (page rank 5 or better)...
I would never recommend buying links. If there's one thing I learned over the past five years it's don't ever try to trick Google into thinking your site is better than it is. If they don't know right now they will definitely find out in the future. Quality content is definitely the way to go, especially with the vast amount of competition in insurance.