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Re: National Agents Alliance? Legit or Keep Away?

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 5:37 pm
by Cassie
Hi guys,

Is it possible to switch downlines with NAA? I was hired by someone in another city, but their team is disorganized, and it is confusing and frustrating. I love the people in my town.

I probably shouldn't even be asking this. But thanks if you know anything about this.

Re: National Agents Alliance? Legit or Keep Away?

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 11:32 am
by Presl70
Dallas Viper should go to work for Farmers Ins. They sell the same load of c--p too. Since he believes in Fairy Tales he would fit right in to their organization until he grows up. Wake up boy. This is the realworld not make believe.

Re: National Agents Alliance? Legit or Keep Away?

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 10:20 am
by objective guy
Don't Do It wrote:

andy albright owns another company :
this company calls all your clients to replace the insurance after the first year. andy is in it for himself and that is it. chase a fake dream to make his come true. believe what you want, defend it but you can try it out for a year or two and then you will be posting on this site.

This makes is sound like Albright has created another "pyramid" scheme to suck off of his other "pyramid" scheme, right? I invited you to click on the link that Don't Do It posted. It will indeed take you to a site called CCU whose stated objective is to help people file for claims they didn't know they had. Now click the home tab and where does it lead you? To the NAA website. CCU is nothing more than a support arm of the National Agents Alliance.

I'm just starting in NAA, but I've done my research. There's some negative stuff out there, but there's plenty of positive stuff too. Most of the negative is about having to purchase leads and making managers rich of the work of those below them. Those objections are nonsense. Every corporation in America does that. But with NAA, you don't have to wait until someone else decides you should move up the ladder. You do that on your own, through your own efforts. The other objection that I've seen is over-priced policies and deceptive marketing practices. I quit being a lawyer because of things I was required to do that did not sit well with me morally. I left car sales because of the deceptive marketing prices and if I ever find that NAA uses them I'll leave them too. Too early to tell on that one because I'm so new, but from the brief training I've had, it is a purely "no-pressure" presentation of options....not a sales pitch.

Re: National Agents Alliance? Legit or Keep Away?

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 7:14 pm
by helenanana
I have read literally every single post on this forum plus dozens of other comments on sites regarding NAA and the big question about if it's a scam or legit.

I am left completely confused.
There has been a lot of consistency with the complaints and warnings. And definitely a lot more cons than pros. It also seems that the people who do talk highly of the company either seem brainwashed or screaming SCAM.

Did anyone notice how sweet and humble 'Pontiac' started and then completely changed after his four month glorified experience as an NAA member!? I found that strange. Even though I enjoyed reading up on his progress. I was sad to see him turn into such a drone and a very vague one for that matter.

Anyway, I applied to an an add on craigslist and got a call about a week later about the job. The man on the phone was very nice and personable. We met in person to talk more about the position. Still very nice, professional, and dedicated to mentoring me. I have a good feeling about his company that he is trying to build.

I am a 23 year old female, full time student looking for a part time job to pay bills and save a litte. I like money, but I am not trying to make 100k or build my own business. I rather just get my feet wet, make a nice amount of money and keep away from the 'kool-aid' and the 'friends' I might make along the way.

I feel that this could be a good starter opportunity because of the free leads in the beginning and the help from someone above me. Can that be all it is? Can I take it like that and come out with a positive experience?

I hate that the people trying to save NAA's a$$ with positive comments refer to the negative ones as the 'losers' or the people who didn't work hard.... but on the other hand, I have worked in the restaurant business since I was 14 and I can say from experience that the majority of the people who go out of their way to leave terrible comments are the ones who are either miserable or just completely picky about unnecessary things.

I am trying to stay in the middle. I have been to the Amway meetings, and I absolutely hated it. I actually hate sales jobs. I am only semi-interested because people have supposedly already inquired about a protection plan before I call. So it seems like more of a benefit for everyone than a way for me to make quick sales. There might be some scamming involved (call me heartless) but that's not my biggest concern. Let's be honest, there is some scam in everything these days. So the guy at the top makes more than me. So I am selling something that someone showed interest in. I am a genuine and nice person. I am trying to make some money. I don't care about the guy above me making more and I can only care so much about the person who is interested in a protection plan, but didn't do their research for a better opportunity and in return will be paying a little more. In my opinion, that's like anything in life. I am though concerned about making people feel secure. So another good thing about this job is helping cover people incase of a crisis.


I would really love some feedback on a person who joined recently, and has been taking it in with a leveled head.

I haven't gotten licensed yet. I am actually going to a meeting tomorrow night and based on that I will see what my next move is. I have written down a bunch of questions I want to ask the manager. I am persuaded so easily though, and I believe that he will justify any concern that I have. It's scary to have to make a decision with all of this controversy. But how else will I really find out.

I just can't trust all that I am reading. Most of it is biased from what I have read. I do appreciate the ones that stay focused on the matter, stick to the facts and tell it like it is. Thank you. You kept me wondering.

Let's keep this forum going!
Or, if you want to speak more or give some personal advice my email:

PS - I am looking for the nontypical 9-5 desk job. I love that NAA offers that opportunity. If NAA SUCKS then what is out there that is better? Any advice is appreciated...

EDIT: Just so you know- I will keep updating my personal experience. We need more of those to get a more accurate reading on this hazy company.

Re: National Agents Alliance? Legit or Keep Away?

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 10:38 am
by jackwehoca
You answered all your concerns in two sentences: "I actually hate sales jobs. I am only semi-interested because people have supposedly already inquired about a protection plan before I call".

Re: National Agents Alliance? Legit or Keep Away?

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 7:46 am
by MarcMeyers
I would not recommend NAA.

Best to do your homework and find a broker that offers 100% + in commissions and renewals.

Re: National Agents Alliance? Legit or Keep Away?

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 8:02 am
by MarcMeyers
naafan wrote:NATIONAL AGENTS ALLIANCE IS WONDERFUL. I have been withhtis compabny for 4 months and could not be happier. I follow the system and am on track to make $100+ this year on only 10 months. I love this company. They have the best managers and support team in the world. They have a heart of gold and share it with everyone. Anyone wanting to make a living and make a difference should look very hard at this company. They have it all.
Sounds like a sales pitch from NAA. I've never heard any agent be positive about their experience with them.

Re: National Agents Alliance? Legit or Keep Away?

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 8:14 am
by dont do it
This company is a bunch of scumbags and here is some good proof. Michael Bettencourt is one of NAA's best producers. Rising Star ... all that BS. He is direct to Shawn Meaike who is direct to Andy Albright himself. They train you to be extremely aggressive, they forge signatures on delivery requirements and amendments etc... they look out for themselves.
Here is a report from the NH Government website detailing how much of a dirtbag these NAA agents are and some of their sales tactics..... ... 008-ap.pdf

Re: National Agents Alliance? Legit or Keep Away?

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2012 11:55 am
by shawninnebraska
I work with NAA. With no recruiting and only selling I made $50,000 net my first year. And will make about $85,000 this year. I do not have a team selling, this is all personal production. I live in Nebraska, where there is not huge premiums like on some areas on the coast. So there is no reason you shouldn't be able to make good money here. I work about 25-30 hours a week (but I do work, which is where I believe most people fall short in this business). I do not know how people think it is a scacm. I have been in it for over 2 years now. I have made money, nobody has taken money from me. I really enjoy it and the company. If it doesn't work, or is a scam, why does it work for me and I have not been scammed?

I also want to clarify something I read in soe of the posts. When a chargback occurs, NAA does not get that money. It goes to the insurance carrier that you wrote the policy with. I have charge backs. They are not a big deal. Sone money is taken out of my commission check to pay it off whe it does happen. It is not something that happens that often.

Re: National Agents Alliance? Legit or Keep Away?

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 11:18 am
by surestart12345
After reading a number of these posts does any decently smart insurance person think that this is the answer to more income? doesn't take a genius to figure out exactly what is going on here. Expensive leads, a 'system' and sales funnel that is more of a Mary Kay program than anything else and really more of a MLM than a professional IMO or General Agency. There's enough top of the line professional sources out there with good programs for agents. Real declining payout/declining premium mortgage term insurance policies are a thing of the past because the rates for term insurance have gone way down in recent years. I'M REALLY GLAD THERE ARE INSURANCE BLOGS LIKE THIS...cause i would've taken so much of my valuable time figuring out this NAA thing...and within 5 minutes of reading a few blogs, it gave me the basic 'flavor' of what this opportunity is all about.
I would say a big "KEEP AWAY!"

Re: National Agents Alliance? Legit or Keep Away?

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2013 8:16 pm
by 92builder
I've been with NAA for about a year, but I knew what I was getting into when I joined. I don't buy a lot of leads, but I'm mostly in it for the contracts.

Re: National Agents Alliance? Legit or Keep Away?

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 10:42 am
by ishootfriendlies
This sounds like a MLM. Did not read every post, but when people who are in the company responds to the question "Is this an MLM?" by saying something like this:
Dennhy wrote:Hi Folks, Just like any insurance company you have agents, district managers, regional managers and so on. Do you consider them to be MLMs? If you do then NAA runs just like them so therefore you can call them an MLM.
Then, guaranteed it is an MLM.

By the way, he is conflating the terms here. He is saying "insurance companies" have these things, then selling the finer points of an "insurance agency". As I am sure the people here know, very different. They refer to themselves on their website as, "the fastest growing marketing organization of our kind." Marketing companies typically do not have, "agents, district managers, regional managers and so on", so as I said, conflating the ideas. Seems deceptive.

Re: National Agents Alliance? Legit or Keep Away?

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 12:46 am
by djredlion
I am li currently studying for my license. I am in the Philadelphia area and am looking into signing on with the Mendenhall group. Having read some of the posts on this board, I have some reservations. They have been supportive, but somewhat vague when it comes to answering specific questions. I went to a presentation and there was no mention of purchasing leads or of chargebacks. Has anyone on this forum worked with the Mendenhall group and if so, could s/he give me some feedback as to how it operates, particularly with respect to disbursing leads and handling chargebacks? Also, is there any statistical data with respect to what percentage of completed sales results in cancellations within one to three years from date of purchase in relation to the Mendenhall group? Have there been any agents that left the Mendenhall group since its inception in 2011? What is the net profit that agents working with this group have earned on average in a one year period? Do they require and/or record account information prior to furnishing leads and/or disbursing commissions? Just a few questions. Any feedback is appreciated, provided that it is pertinent to the questions being put forth, Thanks.