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HELP!! for best sub $1000 agency management system/software

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 10:11 pm
by benbun
Hi, recently i've started my own agency, i've been using applied systems for the last 5 years, i am in urgent need for an agency system that have good client search engine, policy due reminder, acrod forms, some accounting funtion and be able to attach pdf and jpg files, with mutiple users (3 now growing). be great even it has the transformation station funtion. Wonder what is the best system out there with a price that a small start up can afford. thanks so much for any help!

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 7:22 am
by 92builder
I'd be curious to know as well. Good question!

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 9:20 am
by Porter
I have checked them all out. I like Applied but I am just not going to pay that much for a system. I think I will be going with Quickfile. The Price is $938 annually with not monthly fees. They will convert your data from other systems for free. Integrates with FSC, document scanning, commission reconciliation, accounting export to Quickbooks, company downloads, Acord Forms, lots of reports, and is 100% online. It seems good so far. Anyone have any opinions on them?

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 10:30 am
by Reflex
Porter wrote:I have checked them all out. I like Applied but I am just not going to pay that much for a system. I think I will be going with Quickfile. The Price is $938 annually with not monthly fees. They will convert your data from other systems for free. Integrates with FSC, document scanning, commission reconciliation, accounting export to Quickbooks, company downloads, Acord Forms, lots of reports, and is 100% online. It seems good so far. Anyone have any opinions on them?
I agree. I have been using Quickfile for about a year now with little or no problem(s).

HELP!! for best sub $1000 agency management system/software

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 10:31 am
by miinsguy
I use forms boss plus 2006 with quick books integration. It has most of the options you ask for reports will only be as good as the data is put into the system.

They have an internet option but I am using their older version. The price is much less than anything I have found you can go to their website and use a demo copy until you are sure you want to purchase.

Good Luck!

Management system

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 5:21 am
by inssavers
I would recommend looking at Instar Management system. I feel that it is the best bang for your buck. I spent over a year and many hours of demo time with the "big boys" For the price and hardware commitment I feel that Instar is the way to go. We have been using them for 6 years and do not regret 1 day. They are great with their product and enhancements and even better with their tech support. They usually return all calls within minutes. We are fully intergrated, using all accounting functions (very easy), download CL&PL, transformation station, transact now and we can fax from each workstation. I have 10 users with two locations and run the program from one office via terminal services. They were recently purchased by AMS (which scared me) however they have been a good fit and AMS has brought some positive things to the company. They have a purchase and a lease option. Consider the lease as it is not much more and it includes the tech support. Should take about 10 years to break even. Their web site is Please feel free to email me with any other questions.

Instar vs Other solutions

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 12:10 pm
by insuranceman1955
I might suggest that you evaluate all systems very carefully. While Instar is a reasonably good product, it is now owned by AMS. And those of you who have AMS systems know how much $$ AMS charges for just about anything. Question is, will AMS continue to support this product, or force users to migrate to 360... You sneeze, $$. Get the picture??

On the other side, DORIS is now in the Applied family. Word has it that they have shuttered theeir GA offices, and told their employees in GA to take a hike!! Nice company huh??

Both AMS & Applied will charge you just as much as they possibly can.

Having been long involved in this industry>>> buy something cheap and ultimately disposable...

QuickFile would be my choice...

Re: Instar vs Other solutions

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 12:12 pm
by InsAgentSF
I am using AMS360 and i like it. We pay $300 a month but it's worth it

Agency Management system

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 3:40 pm
by tsorrels
You might try Agency Advantage. You can get a free demo (which is pretty complete) and it's reall user friendly. I've been using it for aout 8 years now and it is adaptable to do everything we need. It is NOT a full blown accounting package, but, that's what I pay my CPA to prepare. All the financial info integrates with QuickBooks.

Although it was designed for the auto agent, it is adaptable enough to write all lines like we do.

They're on the web at

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 10:11 pm
by sanddog1
NeXsure the Hartford Ins and Choice Point Credit purchase the company, blows :wink: TAM out of the water. I have used TAM on-line 4 years SUCK. NeXsure is 100% inter net and very fast.

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 9:02 am
by Porter

I contacted Nexsure and they won't talk to you unless you have 10 users.

Porter :cry:

Management System Software

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 12:34 pm
by Insguy
Many agents are I talk with are using HawkSoft. It is an econimical full featured system. you can find additional information at

I would recomend that you take the time to evaluate all the different systems available and not have price be the deciding factor. You dont want to get started with one system then try to switch to something else later, it will cost you extra time to learn another system not to mention the money needed to do a data conversion if one is available.


Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 12:37 pm
by ogrey
I know nasa is over $1000 but I have been impressed with the software. Since I am new to this I would like to hear feedback on this product if anyone is using it. The cost is about$1900 for one user and $500 per user after that and $90 a month plus $10 for each user.

agency management systems ... special agent

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 11:19 am
by jlarosa
Our company is an agency management software company called Special Agent Most of our agents are Massachusetts though we do have a few agents in other states). Our software has an easy look up for customers, integration with word processing (including saving letters to clients profiles), policy detail and history, marketing capabilities, upload - download, reports, etc.

You can reach me by email at or by phone at 1-800-842-0450 ext 202.

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 11:39 am
by pita3333
There have been many many many posts on this topic under other threads over the last few years. Search for those for other information and comments.

My one piece of not just purchase on price alone! Consider features, support and where you are headed.

Treat this decision much the same way you want your insureds to consider purchasing the insurance coverage you are quoting!

The system you select will likely be one of the most important decisions you will make in your agency.