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internet leads

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2006 2:18 pm
by hockeyfreak
Hey, from all you experts, what are you considering a GOOD closing ratio for internet leads,

So far from my expereinces, from the people I Have at least talked to I am around 60 percent, but the other 40 percent I cannot get a hold of.
I am rather quick usually within 5 minutes of receiving the lead, that I call them,

Thanks for the help, trying to figure out if it is worth the money I am putting in it. I am using netquote and local

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2006 2:34 pm
by Porter
I use Netquote for homeowner only. I close about 15%. For me I am making money off it. Where I am they give the leads to about 10 agents. You have to call them quick and be really competitive. I will keep calling them up to 30 days.

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 4:40 pm
by hockeyfreak
porter, why do you only use homeowners?

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 11:41 am
by Porter
I get the homeowner leads because I am looking to quote packages. I always ask to quote the cars anyway so no need to purchase the auto leads for me.

Internet leads

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 1:24 pm
by d's insurance store
If you're 'talking' to 60% of your internet leads, then from my experience, you're doing very well. Now, the question is, do you have the competitive product to close the deal?

I've spent thousands on internet leads with mixed success. The leads range from low end profiles to multi millionaires, and there's no logic as to whom will be playing for quotes on line and when.

I continue to feel lucky if I actually talk and give a quote to 25% of those incoming leads. For personal lines P&C, if I'm talking to someone really local, then my products can be sold and closed. The farther away someone is, if wet signatures and inspections are needed, or the deal can't be buttoned up with a credit card, then the close ratio goes way down.

When I've scanned the 'opaque' sites for commercial internet leads, they tend to look like either the small one person contractor trying to get the liability quotes for less than $1000 or the impossible to help commercial risks that wouldn't be able to pay a non admitted premium longer than two months, even if you could find coverage and place a risk. So, I've stayed away from that category.

Remember, the person requesting a quote may or may not really be in the market at that moment, and some folks just have way too much time on their hands and enjoy the on line browsing experience and have no interest in actually buying anything. They don't understand or care that you've just paid $15 for the privilage of talking to their voicemail or answering machine.

I continue to feel that if you're in the competitive arena, and can generate premiums and commissions to cover your costs, that's about the best you can do in a major metropolican area. We all tend to think we can 'circle sell' and pick up other lines when we talks to these people, but my reality is the really motivated just want a quote for what they're asking for, and the potential for other lines may or may not manifest itself at a later date.