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Question on Final Expense Death Claim

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2019 6:38 am
by Jesse Cunningham V
I worked with a client who insured their parent. I do not want to disclose the carrier - not sure if I'm allowed to under contract BUT anyways....

The client's parent passed away within the 2 year elimination period. We sent the death packet to the carrier and its been about a month.

I called the carrier to followup and they said they have come to a decision and sent it via mail to the client a week ago.

BUT THEY WOULDNT disclose anything to me.....the agent.....who kind of needs to know these things......

So my question is, "is this typical in the FE world"? I'm used to carriers working with the agent throughout the whole process.


Re: Question on Final Expense Death Claim

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2019 2:59 pm
by pageltd
I've dealt with similar nonsense in the P&C world. The company won't release an inspection report, or claims information. I push back hard, because I have a right to serve my client, and with as much information as possible.

That being said, I would check your contract with the FE carrier.