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Insurance recruiting firms - worth it or not?

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 9:40 am
by Advisor
I have been in the biz 5 years now as a producer and like it but want to try something different. My passion is on the management side but would like to experience U/W also.

Has anyone worked with any of the recruiting firms out there? Any of them any good?

If I wanted to pursue the U/W side what would be the logical steps to take?

Thanks for any input!

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 10:44 am
by AlstonCPCU
A good compromise between the company side and the retail agency might be working for an MGA. However, the level of dynamism for you will likely be disappointing after working for a retail agent. Insurance recruiting firms never look for entry level folks, only experienced underwriters. Most of them are also a waste of time IMHO.

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 10:45 am
by pita3333
I hate a love hate relationship with the recruiting industry....and specifically with some of its members.

From the candidate side: Key is to find the ones who are honest and deal with them as much as possible....but you still have to deal with the others since they have their own relationships with the employers. Be upfront with them that you are using other recruiters, if they demand exclusive...give serious consideration to walking away.

From the Employer side: I have my one who I have known for years and have come to trust. She knows that I will accept candidates from other recruiters...since again sometimes the others have candidates she does not have. Negotiate the fees in advance of seeing any candidates....and include assurance that they will not recruit from your firm! Believe it or not...that does happen. Also try to find out what alias other recruiters use....again .. it does happen. I know of one recruiter who uses three different names so she can take employees from the same companies she works with under another name! Sleaze is all I can say.

I use recruiters nearly exclusively when I am a candidate.

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 5:41 pm
I agree that a recruiter won't be of help to you at this time. You'll need some underwriting experience before they'll be able to place you. You don't say what you've been producing - commercial? personal lines? life??? If you want to be a commercial underwriter, you want to start at a general agency - to get some experience. Personal lines - check the HR dept of companies that are in your area since they tend to be centralized and are occasionally open to training a new underwriter.
But before you make that change - ask yourself these questions.
Are you a detail oriented person?
Are you able to say no and willing to explain your reasons why to the whiny agent on the other end of the phone?
Are you happy to sit at a desk 8 hrs a day and do nothing but paperwork and answer endless (mindnumbing) calls?
If the answer is yes to all of the above, keep pounding at it.

U/W Position

Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2006 10:47 am
by Prolines

The PLUS Organization always has current postings in the Professional Liability arena. The postings include a variety of Carrier positions.