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Where to hire

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 11:46 am
by InsAgentSF
Our agency is hiring a Commercial producer. What web site do you think is the most effective? We tried craigslist.

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 10:55 am
by LadyBroker
Have you tried networking at various agent functions? Or asking your underwriters if they know of a good commercial producer looking for a new home? I can personally say I never look at want ads when looking for a job, and I have always found success in personal networking, both when looking for a job, and looking for staff.

You could also consider one of the dedicated insurance placement firms.

Hiring a producer

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 4:41 pm
by Headhunter94501
As a veteran executive recruiter I'll tell you that it's a really challenging time to find producers in this business. It's a challenging time to find qualified people - period. I've never had any success on Craig's List except at the 1 year experience range and even then their fall off rate has been 200% higher than my normal referral method. Always good to get the word out to your marketing reps, through industry associations, etc. and basic grass roots evangelism.

Best of luck.

Re: Hiring a producer

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 11:25 pm
by InsAgentSF