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have any marketing ideas for a new guy?

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 2:00 pm
by Reeder
I am a new producer in NC. I am looking for marketing ideas. Not just spend money ideas, but things that work. I am sure some of you remember what it was like getting started. How did you do it?


Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 2:48 pm
by volstrike3
Your not going to like my answer. Get a target market, buy a list from a lead service like that fits your target market and get on the phone. I wish there was an easier way to get started but there isn't.

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 12:12 pm
by wlunday
Reeder, give us a little more info... What is your experience, how old are you, what education do you have (college, tech schools, etc...) and your avocations... what do you do for fun?

If you have a passion for a particular industry, an increased knowledge about a specific sport... all of these things can work for you.

Say you are an avid baseball player. Get involved in the local sport. Coach, join a board of directors for the little league, write a news column about the experiences... and above all... ask for the business of the people you can now see on a favorable basis.

Maybe you grew up on the family farm... this is a natural market! See the farmers in your area and don't forget to quote their vacation home on the coast!

There are lots of ways... give us some feedback, OK?


Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 7:34 pm
by LaffAgent
Starting out in this business is hard work, don't let anybody tell you otherwise. It's really hard work. But if you're self motivated and have a decent personality, you can make a good living and have fun doing it (once you get things up and running) Work hard and don't try just one thing, you need to diversify your efforts.

Do a little telemarketing, a little direct mail, and hand out a lot of business cards. Join your local NAIFA association and enroll in an LUTC class.

There is no secret trick and no easy way. But as I said, stick it out and it's a great business.

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 10:13 am
by Reeder
Thank you wlunday and Laffagent for the replys.

As far as background I have been a life agent for about 1.5 years, working a mortgage lead system. I know you would recognise the name of the group. Anyway got tired of that and got into P&C. I was able to pick up a carrier, but I have no experience. I have been trying to get marketing ideas from this site, and others. I have heard that direct mail doesnt pay off for what it cost. Newspaper ads, and other media ads are also too costly for the results.

I am involved in sports, my kids soccer, cub scouts, church, and stuff like that. I guess I just wanted to know what is affordable and gets results. I am using two internet lead companies. Frankly one sucks and the other is ok, but I have not writen much off them. I have visited every real estate and new home sales office in my town, and I give out cards every day. I was just wondering if I can do something affordable and get better results.

New Producer

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 11:10 am
by WestchesterInsurance
Grab a phone book. Unfortunately, the only sure fire way to get going is to pound the phones. I have been a producer for a year now and it is extremely tough getting going and keeping going. Keep track of how many calls make each day and how many leads you're getting from the calls. In first few months, I made 100-150 calls per day until I had a lead list of about 500. Now, I work mainly through that list and if a carrier comes in a says they are competitive on a certain class of business, I'll get the phone book and call every listing for that class.

New Guy looking for leads

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 11:36 am
I have been watching the responses to your plea for help and I agree there is no easy way other than" pounding the pavement" for individual prospects.

If you have a Multi-Line license which includes A&H I may have some products for you that are easily sold to groups such as Assocaitons, Fraternal Organizations, Chambers of Commerce and any company with at least 10 full or part time employees.

If you or anyone reading this may want to learn more post a reply and I will get in touch with you.Available in 48 States.


have any marketing ideas for a new guy

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 12:15 pm
by Wolf
Good Luck to you
Appointment setting programs are great if you want to get in front of people fast or hate cold calling. Ifyou use a B2B TM firm a few caveats:
get one that specializes in insurance!(we're out there just look)
get references...with numbers (quotes/close rates/no shows/cancels)
know who you are(what are you bringing to the table??what are your strengths,your product or agency strengths)
know who your customers are! ?industry, location, size of company?
make sure they are exclusive by territory or market! why would you pay for leads /appts that are sold to 8 other companies??
ask if they out source...a foreign accent that is difficult to understand will not represent you well to potential clients.
Our company has clients that have been with us 7 years! TM works if you work with good people.
Best Wishes,

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 12:49 pm
by wlunday
Reeder, as a spin-off of another thread, something to consider is to get tied-in with a small P/C agency that doesn't have the training or time to cross-sell the life & health opportunities in their agency.

With your P/C license you could be a valuable addition to their staff, by offering to help them cross-sell additional products.

This helps them provide a more complete service to their clients as well as earn additional income at no "cost" to them, personally.

Who knows, maybe in the future you'd be who they offer the agency to when they're ready to retire...


Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 7:06 am
by floridainsuranceguy
You said you have one company; first you need to determine what their best product is.

Based on your posts I'm guessing your Co. has a decent Homeowners product. Forget the realtors they are lazier than most insurance agents.

Contact the mortgage brokers tell them that you can provide evidence of insurance (binders) within one hour "" make sure you do it. Prepare a basic home info sheet for the broker (your contact will actually be his/her possessor) to complete and fax to you. Once his client has selected you as their agent let the processor know so when the closing date is finalized they know to get you the mortgage info. The processor wants to get the file completed and off his/her desk, you help them make life easier. Of course to make your life easier you can ask them to get the info to you in advance.

Don't think going to the mortgage broker/or processor once is going to get you in the door. Make contact and follow up in person, by mail"¦ Thank them, but what they want is the binder - you do what you say your going to do and you will get plenty of business.

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 7:45 am
by LaffAgent
It's not a lead source, but just some oldtimer advice that I got from an oldtimer when I started.

Don't wait until you have the perfect spiel and know everything there is to know. The worst sales line used consistently is far better than a great sales line never used.

Ask every person you talk to, "You're not interested in getting more life insurance, are you?". Ask this, and you will find people who actually say, "as a matter of fact I was just talking to my wife about that".

I've been playing this game a long time and I still pull this line out as joke sometimes, and every once in a while it actually stirs up some business. It's a lot of fun to use on telemarketers, street vendors, car salesmen, even the carnies.

"Hey mister, three balls for $1 wins a prize. Give it a try."
"Gee, thanks for the offer, you wouldn't be interested in buying some life insurance would you?"

It's a lot of fun.

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 11:09 am
by ericusn
"Your not going to like my answer. Get a target market, buy a list from a lead service like that fits your target market and get on the phone. I wish there was an easier way to get started but there isn't."

Volstrike is right, there is no easy way. The lead and appoinment generating marketing firms can be OK maybe but my experience with them has not been good. Not only that, but as a new producer you don't have anything else to spend your time on so pick up the phone and get some busimess on the books!

Call Call Call and then call again.

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 11:35 am
by jtabosida
I have been in the P&C industry for close to 15 years. The best solution to get the ball rolling is cold calls, and when your done with that do more cold calls. The truth is getting business is no different than insurance. It's all numbers and statistics. X amount of calls = X amount of appointments = X amount of applications = X amount of accounts written. If you only have access to one carrier I will tell you its gonna be rough. Try looking for a wholesaler to help establish your book and provide you with more markets as options. Once you get premium on the books and experience under your belt you will see more markets available to write with on a direct basis.

I noticed you were into sports, use this to your advantage. Find a niche market to write. For example if your kids play on a field, especially a private field, those fields usually must be insured. Find a line that not many producers write and use it to your advantage. SPECIALIZE!!!

Posted: Sat May 12, 2007 8:59 am
by houstonagent
taking some of these ideas to work on monday.

Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 6:48 pm
by cid

how accessible are such B2B appointment setter programs? Our office doesn't use that so I presume that if I wished to I may have to foot the bill...