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Hurricane was it wind or water

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 2:06 pm
by etimer
While reading the Hurricane Katrina problems I started to consider that there may need to be changes in the insurance market.

I live in an area that is close enough to the eastern US shore to get some of the hurricane force. Although I am 3 hours from the coast by car that isn't very far when you look at the size of a hurricane.

In my area when we do get some of the brunt of a hurricane it is almost all wind. Of course there will also be flooding of streams. So in my area if you get flooded it was due to a stream and if you get other damage it is due to the wind.

When you are along the coast, in a hurricane such as Katrina, it becomes a problem to determine if the house was damaged by wind or flood. Did the flooding water knock down that wall or was it wind? Because Katrina called for evacuation there was no witness in place to view the event.

So what we end up with is claims on hold, bad PR for the insurance industry, PO'd people and government intervention.

Could there be changes made to the policies that are sold in coastal areas that would add more liberal determinations for claims paying without opening Pandora's box? Hm? Maybe there could be a liberalization clause for a storm is over category 4?

I don't know it just seems that because more people are building in areas that were once considered taboo it has caused problems for people and their insurance companies.

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 7:31 am
by floridainsuranceguy
How about everybody -especially on the coast, buys flood insurance. How about expanding flood beyond the $250,0000 limit. What about adjusting flood zones to take into account tidal surge? What about adjusting flood premiums upward for those higher risk areas?

There are a lot of answers, all cost money.

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 11:19 am
by wlunday
You're right, Florida I guy!

If you want to live within walking distance to the marina, buy flood insurance.
