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Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 12:10 pm
by Mainemiss
I am wondering if there any agency owners with experience using offsite producers. In particular:
1. Other than bring in new clients what work is expected i.e. marketing of account, app completion, entry of info into management system?
2. What commission splits are used? Expense reimbursement or equipment provided i.e. office machines, computer.

Thanks for sharing....

1099 Producers working away from office

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 11:47 am
by miinsguy
I have had my own agency for 3 years now. however, I worked as a 1099 producer our of my home for 10 years prior to starting my own agency. I was expected to submit a fully completed accord application and supplements as necessary with the correct ISO information to quote the account. I did annual followups on my accounts and specialized in just two classes of commercial insurance business.

The agency did their thing like they would with any producer. Because they bore NO expense for me and I was a seasoned producer the split was 50/50. I live 100 miles from my old agency.

You have to keep in mind everything is negotiable and an agent has to bring their assets to the table as well as the owner.

Good Luck!


Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 11:58 am
by Mainemiss
Many thanks for your response this info helps alot as I try to gain perspective on a producer who I have been paying as an employee based on an 80/20 split (80 for her). I offered that much because I expected she would market her own business and enter the info into oour AMS 360 system, but she has not learned the system and we are doing all the data entry as well as looking over her shoulder to correct information etc.

Me thinks I am being a bit over generous.

I started my own agency 8 yrs ago from scratch and learned everything the hard way. You sound like a serious minded worker and I wish you the very best with your venture. Nothing like not answering to anyone but yourself. At least you can reason with that tough boss!!