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Commercial Underwriting

Posted: Fri May 25, 2007 9:08 am
by newbiest
I am a personal line underwriter trying to break it into the commercial line but is finding it so difficult :?
Many employers want commercial experience and would not take on an entry-level underwriter.
I have 3 years experience in underwriting and half way done with my CPCU designation. Is there any advice that you veterans can give me on how to land a commerical underwriting position?

Posted: Fri May 25, 2007 12:27 pm
by xswoman
You will most likely need to accept a UA (Underwriting Assistant) position first. Most companies will look at the depth of your general knowledge, not just your technical knowledge (CPCU).

You might also try to get on with a wholesaler, you can gain a lot of knowledge in a short time from a variety of sources.

Posted: Fri May 25, 2007 12:46 pm
by scott
I assume your current employer only writes PL?

Start attending the local CPCU chapter meetings - most welcome candidates - use the event to meet people - don't even mention that you are looking for a job. Collect business card from everyone you meet.

After the meeting, call some of the more senior people that you have met and offer to buy them coffee. When you meet, ask their advice on how to get a foot in the door as a commercial underwriter. You are asking them for advice and help - do not ask them for a job at their company. The object is to keep the door all the way open for their help.

Don't call anyone who is in HR - they are almost always gate keepers and not decision makers.

If you have attended classes use the contacts you made there.

Use your agency contacts to introduce you to senior commercial underwriters. Consider MGAs too.