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What do you like better? Insurance Noodle or Agent Secure?

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 6:12 pm
by steve32
I'm looking to try out one of these services. I've used Superior Access in the past. What do you like better? How is the turn around time and ease of doing business with these companies? Also do you own your own book of clients with Agent Secure?

Thanks in advance. :)

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 1:36 pm
by wlunday
Steve, I do own my book insured through AgentSecure. They are a fine group of folks to work with. Not sure about the noodle, never used them.

I have a friend that did, and it allowed his start-up P/C shop to get a foothold with some carriers that turned him down initially. Safeco for one. Although, the noodle only allowed him to sell personal lines auto (no non-standard) for Safeco, he still was able to build a decent block of business and ultimately contract direct with Safeco.

I think both have strong points, and are a great tool for agencies that are to small to have a direct appointment. I think they all give good turn-around service if you give them what they need to quote up front.

Good Luck!


AgentSecure vs InsuranceNoodle

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 1:17 pm
by ewguva
Just a couple of benefits you might find important.

AgentSecure and Noodle represent same carriers BUT,

AgentSecure has a Quick Quote application which allows agt to spend less than 5 minutes entering data.

AgentSecure returns quotes from ALL CARRIERS that have an appetite for the risk unlike its competitors that choose which carriers get quoted.

AgentSecure returns quotes as fast as 30 seconds and no more than 10 minutes so it's much more user friendly.

Best part about the program is they are giving away 60 days free trial and once you sign up cost is as low as $25 per month with NO exit fee or penalty for getting a direct contract with one of their carriers.

Re: AgentSecure vs InsuranceNoodle

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 8:46 am
by etimer
I'll say this, I was with Noodle for one year and never renewed. It took forever to get quotes. The final straw was when I got into a discussion (being kind) about plumbing updates on an application. The applicant had a new water heater, new faucets throughout house, new supply lines and other new plumbing associated things. The house was copper pipe. The noodle person said that the app could not go through unless the copper piping in the dwelling had been replaced. What the heck??!??!!?!? I have two very good friends that are master plumbers and they laughed out loud when I told them. Does anyone know how much it would cost to re-plumb with copper? Plus both master plumbers own a plumbing business and never, ever, never replace entire houses for new copper unless the house has been gutted for a rehab.

So add together the long waits for quotes, non acord form submission and the above discussion and Noddle wasn't getting anymore of my business.

I've received emials from them and apparently they have changed owners. Perhaps things are different?

ewguva wrote:Just a couple of benefits you might find important.

AgentSecure and Noodle represent same carriers BUT,

AgentSecure has a Quick Quote application which allows agt to spend less than 5 minutes entering data.

AgentSecure returns quotes from ALL CARRIERS that have an appetite for the risk unlike its competitors that choose which carriers get quoted.

AgentSecure returns quotes as fast as 30 seconds and no more than 10 minutes so it's much more user friendly.

Best part about the program is they are giving away 60 days free trial and once you sign up cost is as low as $25 per month with NO exit fee or penalty for getting a direct contract with one of their carriers.