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Low Production Fee

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 1:31 pm
by TXAgent
I've had a contract with United Health Care aka Golden Rule for 10 years. I haven't written any in a few years, this month, I wrote 1 health policy and they charged me a $75 "Low Production Fee."

Has anyone heard of this? Can they unilaterally start charging me a fee like this.

United Health Care

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 11:53 am
by laidback
Now that's funny!!!! You bring them business and they want to charge you for the privilege. Yes, it is hidden in their contracts, not the dollar amount but that they can.
United entered back in to WA after being gone for a long time and can't seem to get their act together for a comeptitive program. I would look somewhere else for your clients. If you have a Blue Cross or Blue Shield, they dont' even charge for licensing here.
Good luck with this :oops: