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Life Insurance Leads. What Do You Think of This Method...

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2008 10:14 pm
by Norcalinsurance
Passing out Flyer's with your business card attached with a quick spiel outside of Babies 'R US and other stores that attract new parents, as well as targeting little league games? What do you all think? Has anybody tried any of these tactics with any success?

Any feedback would be appreciated! Thanks.

Re: Life Insurance Leads. What Do You Think of This Method...

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 5:16 am
by Big Dog
Think of it this way - would YOU appreciate it if someone stopped YOU on YOUR way in or out of Babies 'R Us, or Best Buy, or whatever store you frequent to pitch you some sales spiel? :roll:

Alternatively, do YOU appreciate it when someone slaps a flyer on your windshield? :evil:

Perhaps a better method would be to purchase ad space in a little league program, or to see if there's a way to partner whith Babies R Us in providing information on why it's important for new parents to have the proper amount and type of life insurance.

Good luck

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 10:54 am
by kevinraz
Getting a major national store to consent to passing out flyers on their property. Local manager does not have this kind of authority, their corporate folks won't agree as it would amount to an endorsement of your business.

Send congrats cards to names from the baby list in the paper. Free, easy and public record. Follow up with a phone call in a week or so and drill it from there.

Good luck!

Re: Life Insurance Leads. What Do You Think of This Method...

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 11:03 am
by d's insurance store
There isn't a Life Insurance Agent on the face of the earth that hasn't tried to come up with a fool proof way of obtaining 'leads'.

After selling that product, along with P&C for more than 20 years, and spending thousands of dollars on various and sundry lead generation methods, I've come to the conclusion that you have to treat the sale of life insurance as a pure numbers game and develop the thick skin to hear the words 'not interested' at least 90% of the time. Beyond that, you have to accept the fact most potential buyers of life insurance are triggered to inquire by life changing events, like the birth of a child or another relative passing on.

Standing out in front of a 'baby store' & passing out flyers is probably as good a way as any, but expect the vast majority of people to pass you by and throw out the flyer.

You can also try the usual lead purchasing routes from the internet, but, especially in California, expect those to be 90%+ tire kicker-price shoppers who will be less than forthcoming about their health attributes, keying into the 'come on' super preferred rates and feeling resentful when their 5'8" 290 lb body afflicted with hypertension and tobacco use isn't qualified for the $13/month, $100K, 10 year term price.

Good luck.

Re: Life Insurance Leads. What Do You Think of This Method...

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 12:33 pm
by scott
Step one - Describe your clients. Who are they? What do they do? Where do they work? What groups do they belong to? Where do they hang out?

Step two - What value do you provide your clients? Why should they seek you out? How do you improve their situation?

Step three - What can you do to favorably get the attention of prospective clients. What would make you and your service remarkable - worthy of remark?

Step four - Do it.

Intruding on people is not the way to build a professional practice. How did you pick your accountant or your attorney? How did you find your doctor or dentist? What would you think of a dentist who cold called you looking for customers? How many of us would hire the attorney who we saw passing out brochures at Best Buy?

Here are some ideas some of my mentor clients have used with success:

-Call your accountant or attorney and ask him or her for coffee. Be ready to talk about one aspect of your business that makes you different from every other insurance person.

-If you don't have an accountant get one and have the above conversation - after tax season.

-Attend a local Rotary Club meeting. You will meet at least 3 bankers and 2 attorneys. Pick one of them and call two days after the meeting. Tell them that you have a white paper on an insurance issue that their clients might be interested in. Ask if you can email it to them. The paper must cover an issue that is not commonly talked about. This should be an informational piece - not a promotional piece. Your objective is to build a relationship, then another, then another. Join Rotary and expand the people who know and respect you.

-Pick an industry that interests you. Become the insurance expert on that industry. Join the trade association. Attend the meetings. Write articles for their newsletter.

-Email the business editor of the local newspaper and offer to submit an article on some important insurance issue. Do the same with trade associations, chambers of commerce, etc.

Re: Good luck

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 6:54 pm
by Norcalinsurance
kevinraz wrote:Getting a major national store to consent to passing out flyers on their property. Local manager does not have this kind of authority, their corporate folks won't agree as it would amount to an endorsement of your business.

Send congrats cards to names from the baby list in the paper. Free, easy and public record. Follow up with a phone call in a week or so and drill it from there.

Good luck!
I've heard this that agents have used method very successfully.


Re: Life Insurance Leads. What Do You Think of This Method...

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 9:28 pm
by Norcalinsurance
To Scott,
Thank you for taking the time to point out so many wonderful plans that every successful insurance agents need to practice.

To everybody,

I will keep you all posted on what my next steps are and my success ratio with the different ideas tossed around here.

Thank you all again.