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Inventory of damaged and undamaged property

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 5:35 am
Most property policies have a condition requiring inventory of damaged and undamaged property, including quantities, costs, values and amount of loss claimed by the insured, if requested by the insurer.

Does this apply to real property or is it intended for contents only?

Akos Swierkiewicz, CPCU
215 736 9970

Re: Inventory of damaged and undamaged property

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 8:52 am
by LadyBroker
Would really depend on the wording of each policy, but realistically, the contents values are much harder to re-create after a loss, while the real property (Building) is not so hard, especially if the broker has submitted realistic and appropriate building information.

Inventory of damaged and undamaged property

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 9:06 am
The wording wording at issue is not the New York 165 lines fire policy but Section E. Loss Conditions 3. Duties in the event of loss or damage e. of ISO CP0010 (Ed. 07/88) to wit:

"At our request, give us complete inventories of the damaged and undamaged property. Include quantities, costs, values and amount of loss claimed."

Re: Inventory of damaged and undamaged property

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 11:32 am
by Rlevine

I would assume the carrier would ask for infomation on both real and personal property. It will depend on what coverages are on the policy. There are carriers that would include "machinery" that is permanently attached as real property. An insured will be asked to verify what was damaged. The carrier will check for coverage, limits, deductible, and if co-insurance applies. The more documentaiton you can offer, the quicker the claim will be resolved.