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Why aren't we seeing more focus on insurable values?

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 7:05 am
by nixonjf
In recent weeks we've seen another round of filing for large rate increases.
Doesn't it make more sense to first put more effort into getting the values to where they should be?
Rate increases are hard to get and penalize all (even those with properly reported values) to subsidize those with under-reported values.

Re: Why aren't we seeing more focus on insurable values?

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 12:53 pm
by SFOInsuranceLady
Perhaps the focus on insurable values does not come close to what the carriers need to make up for last year's losses (case in point: AIG)....maybe we are seeing what is left of the soft market. Would be nice since many of the direct writers are killing us independents....All of the carreirs we use are already making sure that our clients are insured to value...maybe it's because we are in California and they are stricter here (Oakland Hills fire, Northridge Quake, Loma-Prieta quake, San Diego fires, etc....) :roll: