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Good places to get a job in the insurance industry

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 2:52 pm
by meytai
Hi guys

I'm looking for a new place to work.. i've been at this business for 5 years and i want to leave for all the common reasons employees leave

I"m looking for a new place, i am going to try and but i'm wondering if i can find a better more direct place for our particular industry



Re: Good places to get a job in the insurance industry

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 5:12 am
by Big Dog
All the basic questions:
*What city do you live in
*Are you looking for a position at an agency, company or wholesaler
*Commercial lines or personal
*Any particular specialty? i.e. working as an AE, AM, or ???

That being said, coming from one that has worked on both the agency and company side, I'd personally recommend AVOIDING any of the big houses like Aon, Marsh, Willis, etc. if you're looking to work for an agency. Look to either the major regional brokers, or perhaps a privately held national broker. Also, be wary of any that outsource part of their work (i.e. IT, policy checking, certificate/auto ID card issuance, invoicing).

Re: Good places to get a job in the insurance industry

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 10:35 am
by hhrchevy
If you are in the Northeast region try Kathy Nichols at Management Recruiters (Insurance) 908-725-2595 Ext. 107. You might also give your info to the State trade association of Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers as many insurance agencies are looking for experienced people and seek the info from them.

Re: Good places to get a job in the insurance industry

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 2:26 pm
by scott
Hire a resume writer, build a resume, print 300 copies - send them out. When this doesn't work, send out another 300. In this way you will look just like every other job hunter. Go on the job sites like Monster and post your resume. Apply to every insurance job that is posted so you look just like the other sheep out there. Be dismissed by the clueless HR departments who run their hiring games designed to put average people in mundane slots.

Better yet...

Figure out exactly the job you want. In the 5 years you have been in this business you should have figured out the spots you are not interested in. If a particular job looks interesting (adjuster, underwriter, marketing...) call the manager of that department in the best organization you can find and tell them you are investigating other careers in insurance. Tell them you are not looking for a job but are interested in job shadowing one of the best (adjusters, underwriters, marketing people...) and get out in the field. Learn what makes for a great adjuster, underwriter, marketing person...

This is not a job search, it is a career investigation. A great job will come out of the work you do as you investigate.

Dismiss jobs that don't fire you up. Pursue those that interest you. Ask advice of the people you meet who are doing or supervising the jobs you want. Ask, "If you were me what opportunities would you explore and who would you talk to?"

Become a student of the job you are interested in. If its claims, start taking AIC classes. Better yet, enroll immediately in CPCU classes. Then prospective employers will see that you are serious - something that puts you ahead of 90% of the rest of the pack.

In your investigation you will find - eventually - the right place and the right job. Your enthusiasm and investigation will make you a person of interest to the people you talk with (who are overexposed to sheep all day long)

The above is what I tell those who call me interested in expanding their insurance careers. It is what I do in my mentor program. It is hard work and it takes time. It always results in success when done diligently.

Re: Good places to get a job in the insurance industry

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 10:21 am
by risks-R-us
Stay where you are for now!!!!! Its going to take another 12-24 months for the soft maket to run itself into the ground. At that point, take a look. And I agree that a large regonal is a good idea.

You have to use every access to find a new spot, speach firms are good as is your contacts, Monster is a dead letter office. I don't think you will get much of a response

Re: Good places to get a job in the insurance industry

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 10:48 am
by hhrchevy
It is a soft market for insurance jobs. I have 40 years experience, a CPCU, CLU, CIC, ACSR, ITP and a Masters in Public Administration. I am trying to get an underwriter's assistant job and no takers after a year's search. Maybe I am looking for too much but I am asking for $45,000. Good luck. Maybe your region is better than mine

Re: Good places to get a job in the insurance industry

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 12:09 pm
by InsMgmt
Then there's always a MLM career. If you understand how it works you will agree wholeheartedly; however, in view of the fact that you are looking to dig deeper and deeper into an industry poised for battle, I would say that a MLM option is not at the top of your list.

After 28 years on the commercial side of the business, I can say with authority that you must give your best for 10 hours a day, 6 days a week, and try not to let the sun set before you're kicked back with a drink in your hand and company to share the smiles. Leave your work at work, get plenty of rest and have fun everyday! Hmmmmm, the last part is sounding more and more like a MLM career.

Re: Good places to get a job in the insurance industry

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 12:47 am
by meytai
thanks insurancemanagement guy?

Re: Good places to get a job in the insurance industry

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 10:09 am
by risks-R-us
InsMgmt wrote:Then there's always a MLM career. If you understand how it works you will agree wholeheartedly; however, in view of the fact that you are looking to dig deeper and deeper into an industry poised for battle, I would say that a MLM option is not at the top of your list.

After 28 years on the commercial side of the business, I can say with authority that you must give your best for 10 hours a day, 6 days a week, and try not to let the sun set before you're kicked back with a drink in your hand and company to share the smiles. Leave your work at work, get plenty of rest and have fun everyday! Hmmmmm, the last part is sounding more and more like a MLM career.

OK, what is MLM career?

Re: Good places to get a job in the insurance industry

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 10:42 am
by LadyBroker
Multi Level Marketing.....companies like Mon A Vie, Avon, Amway, that sort of thing...

Re: Good places to get a job in the insurance industry

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 9:00 am
by mifuturefoundation
You may want to try Michigan Insurance Jobs at It a niche site, so it doesn't boast a lot of postings at once, but it's definitely industry specific.

Re: Good places to get a job in the insurance industry

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 1:25 pm
by prezzoo
scott: well put, thanks for your insight. A well thought out, engaging post.

insmgnt: MLM? Please keep it to insurance and leave Amway off this post board. For young professionals there is great opportunity in the insurance field.

Question: does anyone know what the producer hiring process is like for the alphabet houses? how do they replace aging producers?

Re: Good places to get a job in the insurance industry

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 2:46 pm
by Big Dog
prezzoo wrote:Question: does anyone know what the producer hiring process is like for the alphabet houses? how do they replace aging producers?
Places like Aon, Marsh and Willis are hiring wet-behind-the-ears college gradgatates (misspelled on purpose) and are trying to quickly educate them on what "risk management" is all about. At the same time, they're either firing or finding ways to make the "seasoned" producers and account managers go away. (if you can guess, I used to work for one of these three, and have no respect for them because of how they treat their employees) :roll:

Personally, I'd recommend looking at working for a mid-sized regional agency rather than one of the alphabet houses. These are the places that actually take the time to understand their clients needs, and may even actually give a rip about you as an employee. Rather than being known by your employee ID number at one of the big houses, they actually know your first name at the regionals.

Re: Good places to get a job in the insurance industry

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 12:51 pm
by InsMgmt
prezzoo wrote: insmgnt: MLM? Please keep it to insurance and leave Amway off this post board. For young professionals there is great opportunity in the insurance field.

Thanks so much for bringing me back inline with the dictates of the forum participation agreement. Not surprising, however, that we seem to have lost our sense of humor in an industry fraught with mergers and acquisitions and the resulting layoff of hundreds of hardworking CPCUs, ARMs, and CLUs.

Yeah, great time to enter the industry!

Let's see, the headlines stated that if it had been up to insurance industry professionals McCain would have won (Insurance Journal Nov 4, 2008). Obama appoints as his Thief of Staff a man who stood up during a Clinton inauguration dinner and, holding a steak knife up in the air, started naming off those he considered to be enemies of the newly elected administration. As he would call out a name he would thrust the knife into the table yelling "Dead!"

Oh, yeah, a great time to enter the industry!

Question: This forum has no place for wit (satire)? It was not intended that the MLM comment would be taken seriously. And, by the way, AmWay was never mentioned. Heck, insurance has been successfully marketed via a MLM model. A. L. Williams ring a bell?

Smith Hanley

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 3:50 pm
by kevinraz
For anyone who is looking for a recruiter I would recommend avoiding Smith Hanley in CT. Poor communicators.