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rounding out accounts

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 8:40 am
by jowens
Hey guys, i am relatively new to the forum here at IJ, but have read a good bit of posts the last few weeks. I am wondering if any of you have any tips for getting customers into the office once you have them on the phone. I am just coming back to the insurance industry after an almost 10 yr hiaitus. Back for now as a CSR until i pass my agents test again in November. I am basically calling on current customers to see if we can get them in for an appointment and try to round out their accounts. We offer mainly Auto, H.O., and Life. I am really having trouble getting customers on the phone to start with, but once I have them on the phone I am getting very low %, maybe 10 %, that are actually willing to take some time out of their day to talk with me about it. Also, how do you feel about calling customers at work? I don't think I would like someone calling me at the office with a sales pitch, but thats just me. Any advice would be greatly helpful. Thanks in advance.

Re: rounding out accounts

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 11:59 am
by InsMgmt

First, welcome back! Hopefully, this isn't a moth to the flame experience we are witnessing. Just kidding.

One of my first calls would be to the marketing rep for your lead personal lines carrier. They are more than just a little bit interested in having you round-out or balance your book with them. I'll bet they even have a marketing program developed to assist agents do just this very thing (mailings, service center calls, scripts, etc.).

Next, I would figure out the benefit to my client for bringing his/her HO or Auto to the agency. Typically, this will be the account discount offered by the carrier, which might be significant - especially if there is a youthful driver on the PAP. You'll find that it'll be easier to gain the HO for an insured who already writes the PAP with a youthful driver through your agency (not too many carriers pushing for new PAP business with an inexperienced or youthful driver exposure). It may be that you are in a storm prone region of the country and you have a HO carrier that will not require a separate 'Named Storm' deductible (a percentage of Cov A), which would prove to be a great benefit. The point is to sell the insured on the benefit of coming with the agency - don't just list features of the policy or the agency's services. Some refer to this as the 'Why Me?' statement. Just why would they want to write more coverage with your agency? If you can't give a compelling answer to that question, then don't waste their time.

I would develop a number of simple, colorful, effective postcards to send out (again, your personal lines carriers probably have these). Develop a catch phrase or 'hook' to get the client's attention. The first three would be setup messages for a follow up call (maybe short educational, 'Did You Know?' pieces). Send these out every other week over 6 weeks and then follow up with a phone call to everyone on the list (whether at work or at home in the evening). When you call, ask if they have a moment for you, if "yes", introduce yourself as the CSR servicing their account and say that you are simply calling to say hi and see if there are any questions you may answer or any needs they may have - don't attempt to sell them on the initial call, unless they ask for pricing information on a policy you don't write. If the answer is "no", ask when it would be convenient for them to speak with you. The initial call is to simply establish rapport with the client. Make it low key and friendly - "smile when you say that partner". Sit up straight and smile when you call! Keep a mirror close by to check the expression on your face. If you ain't smilin' you shouldn't be dialin'.

The second set of post cards will go out once a month over the next 3 months (you're now 4 1/2 months into the campaign). Starting in the 5th month you will begin calling everyone on the mailing list. You will reintroduce yourself as the CSR handling their account and that the purpose of your call is to alert them to a benefit that they may be missing out on. If they show interest, then describe the benefit. If not, then say thanks for their time and that you will follow up with a call a month before their insurance policy is due to renew to discuss the renewal.

Before you end your call ask the client if they would mind helping you with a task you have been given to accomplish. If they say "yes", then ask them if they would be willing to introduce you to their family, friends or neighbors. If they say, "sure", then attempt to get at least 5 names and phone numbers. Mail a letter to those individuals stating that so-and-so referred you because of what you had been able to do for him or her and that you will be calling in the near future.

Set your annual goal for how many new policies you will bring into the agency from existing clients, determine the monthly, weekly, and daily tasks you must accomplish to make it happen - then follow through and make it happen. Once you get a solid work ethic established the rest will come easy to you.

Good luck!

Re: rounding out accounts

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 8:18 am
by jowens
This is some great information you have given me. Thanks so much for your time and advice!