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The Number One Insurance Buyer Complaint

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 3:36 pm
by scott
I work with hundreds of insurance buyers a year.

A common complaint is, "I only hear from my agent when he sends a bill."

Call your best clients. Tell them you were thinking about them. Ask how they are doing. Ask how you can help? Offer to buy them a cup of coffee and to spend a few minutes reviewing their insurance so you can be sure things are set up right based on current conditions.

Send clients newspaper articles you think might interest them. Send them a link to a website you think they’d enjoy. Recommend a book, podcast, or video they might like.

It’s a relationship business. What are you doing to build your relationships?

Re: The Number One Insurance Buyer Complaint

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 6:31 am
by Big Dog
You mean...take away time from one's golf game? :D

Re: The Number One Insurance Buyer Complaint

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 12:00 pm
by etimer
You hear hundreds of people saying that eh? You must know a lot of people that aren't on direct billing. :?:
scott wrote:I work with hundreds of insurance buyers a year.

A common complaint is, "I only hear from my agent when he sends a bill."

Call your best clients. Tell them you were thinking about them. Ask how they are doing. Ask how you can help? Offer to buy them a cup of coffee and to spend a few minutes reviewing their insurance so you can be sure things are set up right based on current conditions.

Send clients newspaper articles you think might interest them. Send them a link to a website you think they’d enjoy. Recommend a book, podcast, or video they might like.

It’s a relationship business. What are you doing to build your relationships?