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Door Hangers

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 3:29 pm
by adbox
What does the community think of door-hangers as a service highlighter. I feel this would be a highly successful marketing tool, and should not only be reserved to the pizza community.

Surely the cost of hiring a person to dress a neighborhood with door-hangers will end up being less cost than mailing postage.

what do you say?

Re: Door Hangers

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 7:07 pm
by new2independent
I thought about this as well. However, most people place them in the trash and you are likely to get an unreliable person to canvas the neighborhood. Who is to say if you give a teenager $50 to canvas a certain area with door hangers that he does not just place them in the trash and be on his way?

Re: Door Hangers

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 10:24 pm
by yotes fan
my town is trying to outlaw doorhangers because people walk thru the yards and people dont like that they are on vacation and it is an alert to a burglar that no one is home for a while

People WILL call and bitch you out for leaving them

Re: Door Hangers

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 2:35 pm
by Reeder
When I started 2 years ago my DM had the great idea for me to put fliers in the newspaper boxes. In this area most neighborhoods have identical mailboxes with attached newspaper boxes. So The idea sounded good to me, a cheep way to get my name out. Well lots of other people had the same great idea. In fact some enterprizing people started businesses stuffing paperboxes with fliers. The word stuffing was accurate. When I drove the neighborhoods on certain days the boxes were full of advertising junk. I continued this for a good 4 months, hitting each neighborhood once per month. The results were very poor. I got maybe 5 calls total and wrote 2 homes and 2 auto. My cost was very low, the carrier even supplied the materials to stuff the boxes. All I was out was gas and time. I have better luck with postcard mailings.
Good luck.