You're Boring

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You're Boring

Post by scott »

From Seth Godin's Blog (He choose the title, not me.) -

"If the marketplace isn't talking about you, there's a reason.

"If people aren't discussing your products, your services, your cause, your movement or your career, there's a reason.

"The reason is that you're boring. (I guess that's what boring means, right?) And you're probably boring on purpose. You have boring pricing because that's safer. You have a boring location because to do otherwise would be nuts. You have boring products because that's what the market wants. That boring staff? They're perfectly well qualified...

"You don't get unboring for free. Remarkable costs time and money and effort, but most of all, remarkable costs a willingness to be wrong.

"Remarkable is a choice."

There are 100 posts on this board from insurance people asking for advice on how to market. Take the above to heart. Don't be boring. Are you just like every other insurance agent or consultant out there? What makes you different? What makes you interesting? Why should someone call you instead of the agent down the street?

If your answers include, "I provide great service." or "We have been in business for 30 years." then you don't get it.

Become remarkable - worthy of remark.
Scott Simmonds, CPCU, ARM
Insurance Consultant
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Re: You're Boring

Post by Big Dog »

When I first started reading this, I there a point here?

I worked for some 20 plus years on the insurance agency/brokerage (small, medium, and international) and carrier side. I now work in the risk management/corporate risk department for a major healthcare provider. My boss also has over 10 years experience in the insurance industry.

The advantage is, we know what we're talking about, and essentitally dictact to our broker what the requirements are. The sad thing is - I keep asking what value our broker actually brings to the table? Sure, they claim they "market" our business to the carriers they represent. But unless we beat them with a stick, it's always "we recommend staying with the same carrier". And when it comes to highly technical questions, oft times they don't know the answer.

Being on the "client's side" now has given me a new perspective. Every agent claims that they provide "service" - great, give me specifics. Every agent claims they will find the best carrier for us - great, make sure they understand what OUR expectations are from them, and that they can actually deliver. Every agent claims that they will be our liason with the insurance carrier if there's a problem - great, get off you're friggin' a** and do something about the shabby Workers' Comp claims handling we have to deal with.

Right now, we're questioning the actual value our broker brings to the table. They're making way too many mistakes (flood policies have gone unbound), policies aren't delivered in a timely manner, they have no clue when it comes to our med mal needs, and oft times just don't know the answer to basic insurance questions.
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Re: You're Boring

Post by Shagster12 »

Big Dog,
Having been on the insurance side you do know what value the agent has or should have.
What you're saying here is that you've got the wrong agent. An agent who doesn't take the time and expend the energy to understand your needs based on how you see them from an internal standpoint, as well as how they see them from external standpoint, and then communicate and coordinate your risk management needs with you, isn't the type of partner you need. With your experience and your bosses you both know that.
So I don't believe you're really questioning the value at all, you already know you're not getting the value you should.
Your situation makes it a little more difficult since you have so much experience yourself. I think your expectations based on your background are dictating a level of service that you would provide yourself as the broker.
And as you're well aware agents and agencies are fallable, it sounds like this is where this current agency has really dropped the ball is in recovering once a mistake has been made!
So for my two cents worth I'd recommend you start interviewing new agencies to help coordinate your needs. What you need is a new partner to work with you, not try to do it on their own...
Good Luck!
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Re: You're Boring

Post by Porter »


You have inspired me again. I will be moving my office to Haight-Ashbury in San Francisco. My office will have a continuous laser light show, Pink Floyd music blasting, bean bag chairs, smoking room, wine served to customers, Jimmy Hendrix posters on the walls, and ties get cut off at the door and hung from the ceiling. A percentage of the profits will go to Green Peace.

Agency Slogan: Free Quotes and Free Love!

Agency Name: "The Kind Insurance Agency, Inc".

Ps. Scott don't steal my idea.
Always Be Closing!
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Re: You're Boring

Post by etimer »

Hey I used to live On Clayton and Haight. That is very close to Haight and Asbury. Get off my turff. :)

That was 30 years ago and I can't remember if Clayton was one or two streets from Asbury.
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Re: You're Boring

Post by 4morereferrals »

Seth's blog is good stuff. I subscribe to his feed and have a few of his posts on referral marketing posted on my Insurance Referral Marketing Blog.

His post was dead on - and pertains to 90% of the ins industry.

- Great Service [as opposed to ...?]
- 30 Years in business
- Blah, Blah Blah .... blah

So what - so is everybody :mrgreen:
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Re: You're Boring

Post by ED3771316 »

KISS it. Be good to your sales force. Provide the tools to service them when needed.

Basic Principles that I learned at Community College.

Good advice for the Cubicle Heads in LA that continue to prove the Peter Principle a valid therory.
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