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Liberty Mutual

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 8:46 pm
by new2independent
I was wondering if anyone had any opinions on Liberty Mutual as a place to work. I live in New England and they are pretty well known up here? Any opinions?

Re: Liberty Mutual

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 11:42 am
by djsull
They are a great company to work for, benefits-wise. They pay fair and have nice employee benefits. Plus, if you can get a job with them in Boston, you'll be at their home office. I was there for 4.5 years (left about 4 years ago) and I liked it a lot ... BUT ...
1 - they're old fashioned. suit and tie, and some would prefer that you leave the jacket on all-day long.
2 - there's a definite glass ceiling (cement ceiling) unless you go through their MBA-Management Training Program. If you do, and they like you, you're all set for a great career. If you don't (regardless of whether you have an MBA or not) it's a much harder road to hoe.

Unlike a lot of insurance companies, they work you hard (which is not a bad thing), but the people are nice and friendly. Unfortunately I wouldn't go back simply because in my new company I've progressed well beyond where I would have gotten had I stayed there.

All in all, very good company, unless you're concered about advancing your career very far.

Re: Liberty Mutual

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 12:03 pm
by Sports_Agent
I am a former Liberty Mutual Employee. I started as a Personal Lines Sales Rep. and progressed up to District Manager. I was there for 19 years. The training and benefits are good. I should have left after 5 years and become an independent agent. Every 15 to 20 years they have massive layoffs. I only saw one sales person retire in my 19 years (they run them off with intimidation.) I make considerably more money as an independent agency owner. This is not sour grapes... just the reality of that company. Good Luck!

Re: Liberty Mutual

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 3:04 pm
by new2independent
This would actually be for a personal sales rep position. Selling auto, home and life insurance. Not sure if that changes things. I know the MA auto market has recently gone competitive as well.

Re: Liberty Mutual

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 11:33 am
by jctwindad
I know a great Independent Agency owner in the Worchester area. Let me know if you want to contact him.

Re: Liberty Mutual

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 6:52 am
by bchill
Good Benefits, Good area to learn business. I would go in with less than a five year plan. I know very few agents that make it past the five year window and those that do end up being forced out. I was one of them and several of my friends had the same thing happen. Notice that they are always hiring. This translates into always firing on the flip side. With all of this said I think your prospects are better in the Northeast due to the synergy of their Home Office region. I was in the Midwest.

Hello old manager if you are reading these. When will you get tired of all the new agents you have to train and run off.

Re: Liberty Mutual

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 11:39 am
by R Levine
Liberty recently sold the renewal rights of its' Middle market book to 3 Independent retail brokers. The direct sales force was either let go or went to the new place. You should check into how this impacts you in your area before you make any changes.