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Commercial appointment setting

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 12:03 pm
by joey52
I am in the process of setting up a contract with Secure but I am not happy with the response time. Can I get some honest feedback about Beacon and London and the services they provide.

Re: Commercial appointment setting

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 10:59 pm
by GRCinCA
I have been using Beacon for over a year. I have "done my time" on the phone - telemarketing, xdating, etc -and I am happy to be paying Beacon to do that part of my marketing now. Off the top of my head I would offer the following advice regarding Beacon.

First, be up front and detailed with them regarding who you want to target - I made the mistake of being too general and I ended up with some appointments wherein I could't compete and I also was not personally interested in. Second, ask for permission to communicate directly with the actual telemarketing rep who will be working your account - a minimal amount of time coaching the rep on your product and overall goals will go a long way. Third, ask that they focus more on setting appointments based on "coverage comparison and review" and less time on $$. Obviously, telling a lead we will save them big $$ helps get the appointment - but you have to be careful not to get caught up in that.

Overall, I like working with them AND it has been profitable. Give me a call or shoot me an email and I will be happy to spend 5-10 minutes talking more specifically if you think it would be helpful. Good luck!

Also - let us know who you go with and how it goes.