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Superior Access

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 10:20 am
by agent998
I am currently using superior access and I could not be anymore dissatisfied. They're customer service is horrible and their turnaround time on quotes is not what they promise. I've had to call them up and make them quote with me right there on the phone with them. But my main point for this topic is 1. has anybody had similar problems with them? 2. more importantly I need a similar type company that I can get rapid quotes and responses to replace them? Please let me know, I am losing money by waiting.

Re: Superior Access

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 10:05 am
by pita3333
Agent998 - SA has been discussed many many many times in these forums over the last several years. Search and you will find the comments, which are exactly like yours!

As for other resources...those same posts include many. Some that come to mind:

Insurance Noodle
Agent Secure
Smart Choice

In my previous position (6 months ago) I also was looking for market resources that had available immediate quotes with "real time" abilities...and they were hard to find. For small business the old method of creating app, submitting it and waiting weeks or longer for a non-competitive quote just do not work.

Has me thinking....perhaps I need to find some partners and create this resource...I know there is a HUGE market for this!

Re: Superior Access

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 11:22 am
by agentmark
Yep. They suck. Expensive too.
Try Anderson & Murison or Insurance Noodle

Re: Superior Access

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 9:48 pm
by volstrike3
Where are you located? There are some great clusters out there that can give you direct access. They are not cheap to join but are a much better deal (direct access and contingency) in the long run.