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state farm and florida?

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 11:05 am
by hawks
what ever happened with state farm and florida?

Re: state farm and florida?

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 9:34 am
by dogMarine
Nothing much. Tallahassee is still fumbling around with what they should do to get their revenge. Many Floridians feel they should tell SF to pick up all their marbles and get out of the state entirely but it doesn't look like that will come about although I'd vote in favor. As for their agents, I think they've left their producers in shambles. My agent had his own homeowner's coverage canceled and quit in disgust. I now have a new agent for the auto coverage I have left with them who I don't know and who, so far, has pretty well ignored me. The fact that I have another home in WI, three cars, a personal Property floater and an Umbrella with them and have been insured with them for many years with nary a claim made no difference. Neither did it help that my house here is inland, built on high ground,constructed of concrete blocks with a cement tile roof that has been built to withstand hurricane winds.

I had been insured by a direct writer for many years but they got out of the HO market entirely. I went to SF and stayed with them even though I found it annoying and difficult to have to deal with separate agents in different states. So I'm back in the market to find a direct writer that will handle all of my personal coverage. Never again will I insure with an agency company because they don't underwrite their customers, they conduct their business by red lining; in SF's case, entire states.

Re: state farm and florida?

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 3:47 pm
by nyinsurancequotes
Wow. I wouldn't want to be an agent in Florida.