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Who Are You?

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 7:40 am
by scott
I'm reading Scott Ginsberg's new book, Stick Yourself Out There. You may have heard of Scott as That Guy With the Nametag -

The book is one of those that takes forever to read because you keep stopping to think about how you can put this info to use.

Early on in the book Scott suggests building three lists:
--List of everything you are
--List of what you wont do
--List of things you wont stand for

I grabbed a sharpie and three sheets of paper, one list to a sheet. I find that I keep going back and updating my lists.

Over two days I have redone the lists several times. My image of myself is being reduced to paper in some interesting ways.

Many of us have done similar exercises. However, Scott's suggestion of adding things you won't do and things you won't stand for adds a unique perspective.

Get the book. He has many other great ideas too.