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First American Specialty Insurance

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2009 10:29 am
by sankykid
Does anybody have experience with First American Specialty Insurance in California? Are they competitive? Is their underwriting strict? Anything else worth mentioning about them?


Re: First American Specialty Insurance

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 10:52 am
by doyourhomework
Let's see - these things are "worth mentioning:"
1- They are owned by mortgage company
2- They are Best rated A-, 7
3- Best gives them a Negative outlook [affirmed last week]

Curious what you would write with them and, yes, I would surmise that their underwriting is less than rigorous.

Re: First American Specialty Insurance

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 2:09 pm
by Rochambeau
Well, I tried for a few years to get appointed with them but their marketing department was in such disarray, they lost THREE applications between two reps over the course of two years. I know it wasn't due to lack of qualifications or loss experience, we have been around for over 10 years with HO loss ratios traditionally in the 30s and enough volume and production to demonstrate that we are here to stay. But try as I might, I would send an application and never hear back. Phone calls were NEVER returned. FINALLY, when I would get a rep on the phone, they would ask me to send over another application and we would start the same dance all over again.

I hear from a former employee of mine that they are really easy to write for and they are pretty competitive in our area.

Finally, they came to me, seeking to appoint me but by then I had given up on them and lined up other HO markets to the point where we have no need for another.