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P&C independent agent looking for Life contract

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 5:17 am
by FLagent
I just recently started my own agency for P&C sales in SW Florida. It is just myself and I am thinking I want to tap into the life and health market. I will be taking the course first of July.

Does anyone know of a life carrier that will appoint and train an agent as an exclusive agent/employee with allowing them to keep their P&C business? If so email me at:


FL Agent

Re: P&C independent agent looking for Life contract

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 12:27 pm
by tsntyler
Why not hook up with a Life agent after you get your license? Let them do all the chasing and appointment setting
and you get paid for THEIR work.

It works for me, and I can concentrate on the P&C business....and the customer doesn't care because you are trying to
do what's best for them.

Re: P&C independent agent looking for Life contract

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 9:52 am
by wlunday
FLagent, if I read this right, you are looking for some sort of a base salary while trying to learn the "life" side of things, and while trying to also build a seperate business.

There are not too many life companies out there that will pay a salary anyway. If they do, they'll assign you to a production-oriented sales manager who will be expected to baby-sit you through your first few years. They really do expect avery substantial and time-consuming effort from you, and rightly so! It's not condusive to also building any other business. An option would be for you to have an employee do all the P/C stuff while you focused on the Life stuff.

If, on the other hand, you don't need or expect a guaranteed salary and are happy with a "commission-only" contract, you should join the local NAIFA chapter and get tied in with either another local agency that will help you learn the business or maybe one of the regional or national MGA organizations that work with a variety of different companies. Good Luck!

Wayne Lunday, LUTCF, CLU, ChFC