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Can CGL cover Building Collapse

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 1:54 am
by Porsh
If the overbridge collapesed due to construction defect and then caused third party bodily injury or property within the insured's plant, can standard CGL policy cover the loss?

Re: Can CGL cover Building Collapse

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 7:50 am
by Porsh
more: the overbrige is not built by the insured.

Re: Can CGL cover Building Collapse

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 2:25 pm
by gregcw
Porsh wrote:If the overbridge collapesed due to construction defect and then caused third party bodily injury or property within the insured's plant, can standard CGL policy cover the loss? more: the overbrige is not built by the insured.
Reading bewtween the lines I'm going to give a non-commital answer.
The reason for being non-commital is that your description is vague enough to leave some room for speculation.

1. is this insured a contractor and is the location of the loss one of his worksites? If yes and the injured party was on the premises that the insured controlled, I believe that his policy would respond and at least defend the insured, probably pay the injury &/or proeprty damage and then subrogate to the party that build the overbridge.

2. Is the overbridge on the insureds premises or is it someone elses (i.e. a public walkway or adjacent properties premises)? Your within the insured's plant description implies that this occurred on the insured's premises and then their policy woud cover the injury &/or property damage and then subrogate to the builder of the overbridge.

3. If the overbridge was on someone elses premises, the CGL would defend the insured in the event of a lawsuit against him and the adjustor would at least attempt to have the correct party respond.

A side note, seeing that you currently have only 6 posts to date, You do have the option of editing your post rather than needing to add another one to include something that you forgot to include.